![]() TigerSoft Freedom News Service 7/15/2008 www.tigersoft.com Investing In A Perfect Storm with The DJI Down More Than 20% (Part 2) Zero Regulation, Zero Foresight and Zero Honesty None of Bush's High Paid Thieves Asked "What WIll Happen When Housing Prices Fall?" The US Treasury is Being Robbed Bare. Why Is "Socialism for the Rich" OK? The Secrets of Successful Bear Market Trading by William Schmidt, Ph.D. (Columbia University) (C) 2008 All rights reserved. Reproducing any part of this page without giving full acknowledgement is a copyright infringement. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Corporate media utterly failed to cover the early growth of the US credit / financial crisis. It failed to foresee the collapse and consequences of the $10 trillion 1996-2006 housing bubble and the resulting Recession. Who is it protecting? TigerSoft has worked hard to keep its readers far ahead of these developments. The best hope for the US lies in the punishment of, not the concealment of, those who are responsible for the theft of trillions from the US Treasury, the destruction of the US Dollar and the life-long savings of millions of hard-working Americans while allowing obscenely overpaid CEOS to bribe poiticians, bilk their shareholders, overcharge consumers and happily export millions of the best jobs. See TigerSoft's: Investing in A Perfect Storm (1) 7/13/2008 Far from Over, The Credit Crunch Is Worsening: 6/4/2008 Bernanke's Billions for Big Banks. Which Bank Is Next for A Bailout? 5/7/2008 Bernanke Has Addicted Banks To Federal Reserve Hand-Outs. Fed Policies Are Apt To Depress Housing Prices Much More. 3/29/2008 Bernanke's Socialism for The Rich" 3/18/2008 Carlyle Group Bailout? American Socialism Is for The Rich and Well-Connected. 3/13/2008 The Economic Consequences of the $2 to $7 Trillion Dollars Squandered and Stolen by Bush's Iraq War: US Recession, Dollar Collapse, Sky High Oil Prices and A Bear Market 3/7/2008 The Biggest Theft in American History: 3/1/2008 How The US Treasury Was Bankrupted by Bush's and Cheney' Buds and Halliburton. The Limits of Monetary Policy: Will The "Stagflation" of The 1970s Reappear? 2/4/2008 Income Inequality Threatens The US with A Depression. 1/30/2008 Insider Selling at Bear Stearns (BSC) and How TigerSoft Spots and Trades It. 1/6/2008 Insider Selling at Washington Mutual and CitiGroup 12/30/2008 Lessons for The US from The Collapse of Argentina's Currency in 2002. 11/29/2007 Leveraged Currency and Forex Profits in An Age of Profound US Dollar Weakness 11/28/2007 The Untold Story behind The Run on The Dollar 10/31/2008 Killer Short Sale Techniques 8/13/2007 Widespread Insider Selling before The Bad News Comes out. 8/3/2007 US Dollar's Decline Is Getting Serious 7/12/2009 Housing Correction Continues. No Bottom In Sight, Yet 6/28/2007 The 1929 Crash: Could It Happen Again? Yes- Absolutely. 6/24/2007 ![]()
These other links challenge what you will hear from the mainstream media, |
![]() The Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington, DC. Investing In A Perfect Storm with The DJI Down More Than 20% (2) US CORRUPTION IS NOW SO MASSIVE, AND THE US TREASURY ROBBED SO BARE, THE DOLLAR MUST SURELY DROP DRAMATICALLY. by William Schmidt, Ph.D The US now owes $9 trillion dollars. It has just added as much as $5 trillion more in potential debt if housing prices keep sliding and the mortgages backed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mac prove worthless, because people cannot pay them or choose to walk away from a loan because they owe more than the house is worth. Treasury Secretary Paulsen and Fed Chairman Bernanke are Bush appointments. They were not elected. But they are committing the US to debts which will bring financial disaster to millions of Americans as the Dollar breaks down. Certainly, there are better solutions that just giving privately run companies a blank check. These companies, as I said two nights ago, are run by obscenely overpaid CEOs. What's worse? The bigger of the two Fannie Mae has a history of engaging in fraud and deception. FNM was fined $400,000,000 for deliberate accounting fraud and evasion two years ago. Its CEO gave the Bush Republican Party $16,000 last year in campaign contributions. In return, Paulsen now protects his pay and position. In the UK, Northern Rock was nationalized. That is what should happen here. Instead of socialism for the, we should just try some socialism for all Americans. Taxpayers should reap the benefits of public ownership if they are going to put up all the money for these companies. There is no reason to keep on board the overpaid upper-level management. FNM and FRE are now bankrupt, says the St.Louis Fed President. But no heads are allowed to roll. Paulsen wishes to allow his cronies to stay in power, so that they may continue to rob their companies and the taxpaters and keep making huge campaign contributions. The rest of the world looks on this monstrous highway robbery and they shudder. They see how thoroughly corrupt and greedy America has become. America's political leadership is clearly for sale to the highest bidder. This is a continuation of the same putrid system that let Bush and Cheney enable private contractors steal hundreds of billions in zero-competition, bloated war contracts with little or no accountability. It is part of the same system failure that has allowed Bush's appointment Bernanke at the FED without legal authority to bail out Wall Street's biggest banks with tens of billions in exchange for dubiously valued mortgages used as collateral. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "America is a unique society in which we have free enterprise for the poor and socialism for the rich." --Gore Vidal 1995: "Putting a precise dollar figure on corporate welfare depends on how it is defined. The Cato Institute -- a libertarian think-tank in Washington, D.C. -- considers corporate welfare to be the 125 programs that provide direct subsidies to individual industries. In a fairly recent report, it estimates that the federal government currently spends roughly $75 billion a year on direct subsidies to American private corporations. And that is the conservative estimate. "Ralph Nader's Center for the Study of Responsive Law offers a more expansive definition that includes federal tax breaks, many of which are designed to funnel money to specific industries. Add in bail-outs and government research conducted for the benefit of private business, and the total corporate aid figure rises to a high of $167 billion annually. That's $1,388 per individual taxpayer! This give-away to Big Business contrasts sharply with the total costs of all federal welfare programs for individuals, including help for the blind and deaf, assistance to the handicapped and elderly, care for the mentally retarded, children's vaccination and immunization programs, and so on. The cost of Aid to Families with Dependent Children and other forms of social welfare, including food stamps, housing assistance and child nutrition, was $50 billion in 1995." (Source: http://www.efn.org/~rolanda/discovering/chapter8.html )
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