Track Record of Peerless BUY B2s
12/15/2014  (C) 2014 William Schmidt Ph.D. (Columbia University)

Peerless Buy B2 occur automatically when the DJI closes between the 2%
and 5% lower band in certain months in the 48 month Presidential cycle.

They can occur in the following months:

Presidential Election Year or PEY (1928...1932...2012) 46 cases  Avg. Gain = 8.3%
       May (5), July (10), Aug (6),  Oct (7), Nov (12), Dec (6)     

PEY + 1 (1929...1933...2013)  11 cases  Avg.Gain = 13.2%
        Feb (2), March(2), May(2), Aug(4),  Sept(1)

PEY + 2 (1930...1934...2014)   26 cases  Avg. Gain = 13.3%
         May(4),  June (2), July (1), Aug (4),  Sept (1), Nov(6), Dec(8 cases +15.8% avg gain)
                    December Buy B2s in this year.
                           19341220        .044
                           19381205        .047
                           19501204       .166
                           1966120          .124
                           19821215        .079
                           19941208        .506
                           19981210        .259
                           20021213        .04

PEY +3 (1931...1935...2011)  16 cases  Avg. Gain = 10.6%
       May (2), June (4), Aug (3), Nov (1), Dec (6)

In other months, they are either not allowed by Peerless or there is
not precedent and so should probably be distrusted.

Details: there were 100 cases.  All the Buy B2s were profitable. The average gain
was about 10% at the time of the next Peerless automatic Sell.

                 Avoiding Larger Paper Losses

There were seven instances when the Buy B2 suffered a loss
of between 2% and 4.5% before the signal achieved a gain.
achieving a gain.  The presence of a head/shoulders pattern
or a hands-above-the-head pattern has tended to mean the
decline will be deeper than the first Buy B2.  Considering
a completed head/shoulders a Sell S10 and then denying
Buy B2s for a week more would have avoided three
of the biggest lossses. When the DJI falls unusually sharply,
say more than 2%, it is usually best to wait another
day if the DJI is not already down 3.5% below the 21-dma.

Five Biggest Buy B2 Paper Losses

                                                 Gain    Paper
19390810      B2    137.3         .122   
Head/Shoulders and judged S10 on 8/4/1939 141.7
DJI fall to 131.2 on 8/24 before reversing up.
This was from a point 5.8%  below the 21-dma.
19480720      B2    183.6         .034     .043
Head/Shoulders and judged S10 on 7/19/1948 181.2
Final bottom made on 9/27/1948 with DJI at 176.00
19480730      B2    181.3         .047     .03
Head/Shoulders and judged S10 on 7/19/1948 181.2
Final bottom made on 9/27/1948 with DJI at 176.00
19481119      B2     177          .018      .033
Steep and sudden decline to lower band.
Note gap after Truman meet Dewey in Pres. Election.
                              DJI Close                LA/MA
            11/1/48       189.8                        1.024
            11/3/48       182.5   note gap         .984
            11/4/48       184.5                          .994
            11/5/48       178.4                          .962
            11/8/48       178.2                          .962
            11/9/48       173.9                          .940
            11/30/48     171.2                          .962
Final bottom made on 11/30/1948 with DJI at 171.2
19530828      B2     265.7       .124      .039
Hands above Head and judged S10 on 8/19 1953 271.5
Final bottom made on 9/14/1953 with DJI at 255.5
19920821      B2    3254.1      .076      .037
Final bottom made on 10/9/1992 with DJI at 3168.58
19960712      B2   5510.56    .035       .03
Hands above Head and judged S10 on 7/8/1996 5550.82
Final bottom made on 7/24/1996 with DJI at 5354.69

Code used in computations
f1$ = "C:\allsig.txt"
Open f1$ For Input As #1

ktr = z
For i = 1 To 1197

Input #1, a$
If i = 1 Then a1$ = a$
sig$ = Mid$(a$, 15, 2)
DDATE$ = Mid$(a$, 1, 8)
yyear$ = Mid$(a$, 1, 4)
MMONTH$ = Mid$(a$, 5, 2)
gain$ = Mid$(a$, 43, 8)
If sig$ = "B2" Then kt = kt + 1 Else 100
yy = Val(yyear$)
pctgain = Val(gain$)
If Val(MMONTH$) < 1 Or Val(MMONTH$) > 12 Then Stop
If (yy) / 4 = Int((yy) / 4) Then yearktr = yearktr + 1:

If (yy) / 4 = Int((yy) / 4) Then yeargain = yeargain + pctgain
If (yy) / 4 = Int((yy) / 4) And Val(MMONTH$) = 5 Then ktr = ktr + 1
If (yy) / 4 = Int((yy) / 4) And Val(MMONTH$) = 5 Then totgain = totgain + pctgain
'If (yy + 2) / 4 = Int((yy + 2) / 4) And Val(MMONTH$) = 2 Then Stop

100 Next i