wpe1AA.jpg (45235 bytes) Tiger Data Page    
                                               2/9/2015        (C) 2015 William Schmidt, Ph.D.
          To renew data, ===> Order Here.           To renew Nightly Hotline,      ===> Order Here  
          Report problems, please.   william_schmidt@hotmail.com      858-273-5900

                                     DATA PAGE WILL CHANGE MONDAY NIGHT.

                                                weremoving.jpg (35895 bytes)

          What to do about MSFT's dropping "support" for XPs"?
Aug 1, 2013 - Use VMware tools to convert your existing Windows XP system
                     into a virtual machine and then run it in Windows 7 or 8. ...It's probably better to use the
                     free Oracle VirtualBox and make a fresh installation of XP
                    Be careful in downloading this not to accept the other offers that come with it. 

                    Other solutionshttp://tigersoft.com/XPs-and-Windows8.htm   

          Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1915-2014 - book in progress.
                  See Peerless Buys and Sells' Track Record: 1928-2014
           New 2014 E-Books and New Peerless - Now Available

                                 Trade Better with the 5-day ma
                                 and a closer look at volume.
                                 See www.tigersoftware.com/DEN 

    Explosive Super Stocks -   Order $42.00    Available now
                            Killer Shart Sales - Order $42.00   Available now
                           ...Tahiti Dow System
coming soon.
                           .... Tiger Buys and Sells' Individual Stocks' Track Record ... in progress on Hotline...

                     NEW November 2014 - Peerless Software Update - $95.00   Email me....
                           Also available now on Tiger's Elite Stock Professional Page...

Includes new Peerless B21, B20 and S17. These are reliable and back-tested to 1928.  
                     New Tiger B2, S2, B13 and S13 show which tests of 65-dma are
                    most likely to bring reversals and when the Closing Power has
                    shown a bullish take-off or a bearish spike down.  
                     See Peerless Buys and Sells' Track Record: 1928-2014                 
                     Update includes new Tiger Buy Signals, too. 
                     See new Tiger Closing Power take-off signals:75%-90% accuracy in 2014. 

            2014-5 DATA DOWNLOADS: 

                                 ------------------ First Phase Updating ----------------------------------

          2/9/2015         DJI-30.exe    Major Market ETFS/30 DJI Stocks
                                                  DOWJONES.exe    30 DJI STOCKS  
                                                  LEVERAGE.exe    Leveraged ETFS
                                                  SECTORS    Industry and Genaral Market ETFS  
                                                  SHORTETF  Short ETFs

SP-100.exe     OEX components
                                                  SP500AS.exe        Partial SP-500 stocks (A-S)  
                             SP500TZ.exe         Partial SP-500 stocks(T-Z)
                                                  IBD-GROW    Investors' Daily Top 50 Growth Stocks 
                                        New HIGHIP21     High IP21>.40 Currently.

1/30/2015 OVERRIDE.exe  Names associated with Companies. 


          2/9/2015      PEER04.exe   DJI and Index Data  
                    Hourly DJIA is NOW updated.  2014/5 version of Peerless needed to view it.
         Note - we  may have to edit the hypothetical high and low of the DJI later in the evening.  See WSJ. .
            NYSE Up and down volume is then  edited using Barrons on weekends.

            ---------------------------    Second Phase Updating ----------------------

       2/9/2015         CURRENT A-Z STOCKS'  DATA  -> A-Z   
                      On Jan 2nd, the data will start going into 2015 directories - 15a ... 15uvwxyz     
                      The 2014 directories will preserved below...                          
     15-A   15-B  15-C   15-D    15-E    15-F    15-G   15-H   15-I  15-J 
                               15-K   15-L  15-M  15-N   15-O  15-P  15-Q  15-R  15-S   15-T   15UVWXYZ

                                        Do you build your own lists of stocks?

        1/4/2015     New  PEERCOMM.exe and BUILDER.exe
                        BUILDER.exe allows you to build your own list of symbols from 15A-15Z
                        The old BUILDER.exe will only use 14A-14Z data...                     
                        At your request, this new BUILDER.exe now adds your symbols to the
                        acceptable lists of symbols in the A-Z files in c:\tigersup that hold
                        all the allowable symbols.


         ----------------------------------------- Third Phase Updating ----------------
Stocks within 1% of 65 dma.
Closing Power New Highs 
                                             MINCP.exe     Closing Power New Lows  

                                             CPCROSSA.exe Closing Power crosses above 21-dma  
Closing Power below above 21-dma 
                                             BIGVOLUP   Very unusual volume up.  
                                             BIGVODN      Very unusual volume down

                                             VHIP21.exe  Low priced stocks with an IP21>.45 in last 3 mo.
                                             AUGSELS7.  Big CP bearish divergences from price.

                                             LOWACCUM Lowest AI/200 stocks
                     Trading Low Priced Stocks with Tiger.
                      What are best predictors of stocks that rose +200% in 2013?   

         ----------------------------------------- Fourth Phase Updating -----------------

           The  download files below will be posted as soon as they are ready.             


        The "not above" downloads below are additional Groups not offered above
        that may be downloaded.      
          1. not above         ACCUMVER    
                                 Saved into c:\accumver  These are stocks with
very high
                                  bulges of Accumulation (above .45) in last 4 momths. 
Many are very thinly traded.
                                  A minimum of 500 lots of trading on last day was required. We watch these
                                  because they often find excellent support at their rising 65-dma and 30-wk ma
                                  and then run to new highs.  This often represent savvy insider buying.  They often
                                  subsequently make a new high.  On new highs, these may become augmented B24s.
                                  If the bulge of Accumulation lasts for several weeks, these may become weekly
                                  Buy B12s. All are now above their 65-dma.

          2  not above       ACCUMHOR    
                                  Saved into c:\accum  These are stocks with very steady positive

           AUGSELS7.exe      Extreme Closing Power divergences (S7s) from price action.
                                               Breaks of 65-dma after these appear are worth looking at as short sales.

          3  not above       AUTO   Saved into c:\auto   

not above      BIGBANKS.exe  Only 6 banks.  They are biggest.

         5    not above     
BIGFIDEL.exe   Very biggest Fidelity positions.

                        BIOTECH     Saved into c:\biotech  

        7     not above      
BONDFUND.exe   Saved into c:\bondfund  

         8    not above        CHEM      Saved into c:\chem    These are specialty chemicals, including those used for

not above       CHINA    Saved into c:\china    These are Chinese stocks and closed end funds

       10   not above        COAL  Save in c:\coal

not above       COMODITIES    Saved into c:\comodity      These are perpetual futures' commodity
                                 contracts foods, fuels, cotton, metals, currencies, bonds and SP-500. 

Closing Power crosses above 21-dma  
Vol must be over 1000.
                                Data is saved into c:\cpcrossd      These are stocks whose Closing
                                Power has just crossed
down below   its falling 21-dma.
Vol must be over 1000.

        V==>not above CURRENC  Saved into c:\currenc These are currency ETFs and perpetual contracts.

         11   not above      COMPUTER      Saved into c:\computer

DJI-30.exe    Saved into c:\dji30    
                                 These are the stocks used well for years with our Tiger "Tahiti Approach", buying
                                at the end of each quarter the highest AI/200 stock and holding it for 21 month.
                                So that you can quickly compare a DJI-30 stocks with the DIA, SPY, QQQQ and
                                          MDY, we have added those symbols to this download.

                               ETFS    Saved into c:\etfs   Non-US ETFs only.

V==> not above    FIDELITY - Saved into c:\fidelity       Late to update.
                              Use these to see which industries are strongest and weakest.  

       12    not above   FIDSTKS To be saved into c:\fidstks   Stocks as listed by Yahoo on 3/31/2013
                             These are  the top ten holdings for each Fidelity Sector fund as posted by www.yahoo.com 

       13    not above    FINANCE  Saved into c:\finance:     
                            162 brokerage, bank and mortgage stocks. 

     V----<not above
  FUNDS  Saved into c:\funds   
  Late to update.              All these are mutual funds.  Because they have no
                            volume and no high and low, you will not be able to run the normal nightly analysis for
                            ranking and flagging program.  

 V-==>  not above   GOLD   Saved into c:\gold 

not above    GREEN    
Saved into c:\green    These are    "green" stocks.  Renewable energy.  

15   not above   HIGHIP21    High IP21>.40 Currently.

16   not above   HIGHPRIC   Stocks over $110

not above
   HOMEBLDG     Saved into c:\homebldg       

18  not above   INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS (INDMATER.exe)  Saved into  c:\indmater     
                             Aluminum, coal, steel, zinc, copper producers ....





NEWLOWS        Saved into c:\newlows 
                     Stocks recently making 12 month new lows.

===>  not above    NEWISSUE.exe     New issues -       
       19 not above     OILGAS   Saved into c:\oilstks     Previously OILSTKS
       20  not above   
 REIT stocks Saved into  c:\REIT   

       21 not above       RETAIL   Retail stocks saved into C:\Retail 

                   SECTORS -    Saved into c:\sectors                    
               These are non-foreign ETFS.  They are useful for seeing which sectors are performing well
               and show high accumulation.

       22   not above         SEMI  Semi-conductors

                 SHORTETF   Saved into c:\shortetf   These are the ETFs to go short
              the market.  Some offer extra leverage. 

       23   not above   SOFTWARE   Retail stocks saved into C:\software

      24  not above  SOLAR  Solar Energy Stocks

      25  not above   STOCH5       c:\stoch5   
List of stocks here was redone - 11/12/2014

      26   not above     
STOCKS ...   c:\stocks

      27   not above     TRANSP       Saved into c:\transp    These are transportation and shipping stocks:
                railroads, trucking, airlines, shipping, cargo transportation. A few more will be added.   

       28   not above    UTILITY    Saved in c:\utility   Electrical utilities.


       Weekly Data  2/6/2015    
1WEEKDAT.exe         2WEEKDAT.exe
       3WEEKDAT.exe         4WEEKDAT.exe  
                Download and open all four of these.


         TigerSoft Help        Bullish Stocks     Bearish Stocks   Trading Ranges   Tiger Power Ranker
        Stock Splits            Removing Directories
      Conversion from Ascii to Tiger format

               ===> New 2014 1/8/2014 Corrected Builder.exe   Save this into c:\peerless\winpeer
               This allows you to use 14-a - 14-z.... 

                     BASED ON  ALL A-Z STOCKS DOWNLOADED.

                      Build your own groups of stocks in a directory you choose.
                      Read STEP BY STEP Instructions.
                      Users should update this file regularly.  It expands the number of stocks
                      you can use based omitted stocks.    
                                                              See    Tiger Directory Builder Instructions    
                  Note the symbols must be in three places.
1) Download 14-a - 14uvwxyz Data Files.
                                                                            2) Each symbol you want must be in a file you create
                                                                             in c:\peerless. Each symbol must be on a left-justified
                                                                             new line in a simple ascit file (wordpad).                           
                                                                              Do not duplicate names in this list.  Use capital letters.
                                                                             3) The stock symbols must be in the 13-A-Z downloads. 
                                                                             4) Each must also be in the c:\tigersup A-Z alphabetical files
                                                                              or will they be left out.  Some may have to be added here. 

                                                                              Save these files into c:\tigersup to be current
                                                                              A.txt   B.txt  C.txt D.txt  E.txt  F.txt   G.txt  H.txt  I.txt   J.txt
                                                                              K.txt   L.txt  M.txt   N.txt  O.txt P.txt   Q.txt  R.txt  S.txt
                                                                              T.txt    U.txt V.txt   W.txt  X.txt   Y.txt  Z.txt


             2014 HISTORICAL DATA    A-Z Stocks    

       14-A   14-B  14-C   14-D    14-E    14-F    14-G   14-H   14-I  14-J 
                               14-K   14-L  14-M  14-N   14-O  14-P  14-Q  14-R  14-S   14-T 14UVWXYZ

              2013 HISTORICAL DATA    A-Z Stocks  
                   13-A    13-B    13-C   13-D    13-E   13-F    13-G   13-H    13-I     13-J 
                   13-K    13-L   13-M   13-N   13-O   13-P    13-Q    13-R    13-S    13-T   13UVWXYZ

         2012 HISTORICAL DATA    A-Z Stocks                        
  12-A   12-B    12-C   12-D    12-E    12-F    12-G   12-H    12-I     12-J 
                  12-K     12-L    12-M   12-N    12-O   12-P   12-Q   12-R    12-S    12-T   12UVWXYZ

       2011 Historical DATA A-Z Stocks  

                 (corrected 9/20/2014)
 11-A    11-B    11-C    11-D     11-E    11-F    11-G    11-H    11-I     11-J  
                        11-K     11-L    11-M   11-N    11-O    11-P    11-Q    11-R    11-S    11-T    11UVWXYZ

                    Oct. 24, 2011           Study of Super Stocks of 2011:
                   Data     SUPER11.exe  
Study of Best Performing Stocks of 2011 

2010 Historical DATA A-Z Stocks  
A-Z Stocks  
                 10-A    10-B    10-C    10-D    10-E     10-F      10-G     10-H      10-I      10-J  
                      10-K     10-L    10-M   10-N    10-O     10-P    10-Q     10-R     10-S   10-T   10UVWXYZ
Study of Best Performing 2010 Stocks

             2009 DATA    A-Z Stocks  
                A-Z Stocks  
09-A.exe    09-A.w02    Save both to your c:\ and run 09-A.exe from YOUR computer. 
                                       Then to graph Select  c:\09-A                                         
               09-B.exe --    To graph Select  c:\09-B
               09-C.exe       09-C.w02      
                                  Save both to your c:\ and run 09-C.exe from YOUR computer. 
                                    Then to graph Select  c:\09-C     
              09-D.exe     - To graph  Select  c:\09D
              09-E.exe     - To graph  Select  c:\09E 
              09-F.exe     - To graph  Select  c:\09F
              09-G.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09G
09-H.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09H
              09-I.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09I
              09-J.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09J
09-K.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09K
09-L.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09L    
09-M.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09M
09-N.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09N
09-O.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09O 
09-P.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09P    
09-Q.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09Q   
09-R.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09R
              09-S.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09S
              09-T.exe    - To graph  Select  c:\09T
            09UVWXYZ.exe        To graph  Select  c:\09UVWXYZ

            TOPPERF09.exe  Download this data to see the 80 stocks up the most in 2009. 
            Our study of 2009 Super Stocks will help find the best of 20131.


        Having trouble?
1) If you are using Windows7, be sure to go into XP mode.
    2) Close other applications to conserve on memory.
    3) Try this method of downloading data.

       Many security systems on computers will not let you open a file
       from the internet after simply going to it with the internet browser.

      Instead try this.  This may allow  you to open and run a data installation-file executable
      from our site wthout having to first save it.

                    1. Start Peercomm.

                    2. Click Internet

                    3.    Replace the 0123 you see with 1221 (Or whatever the current numbers are.)
                    .between the slashes   You will see

                   4.   Then click Display Web Page Chosen Above.

                   5. This will let you run the correct data-download programs right
                   from the internet.
                          Example SP-500.exe
                          This way when I point the mouse at SP-500.exe  
Then LEFT-CLICK the file to be opened.
                          See if you get a chance to RUN rather than SAVE this file right from the internet,
                          My XP gives this new, more covenient RUNNING option only when I go to the
                          data site from within Peercomm.