11/23/2010 by William
Schmidt, Ph.D. (Columbia University) - Creator of
Tiger Software
TigerSoft's Accumulation Index and Pro-Closing Power
Always Trade with the
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1915-2010 TIGER Blog Testimonials
Q&Answers. About us.
Level The Playing Field with TigerSoft.
Why Should Wall Street Make
All The Money?
Index to Tiger
Insider Trading Charts and Commentary Here.
November 23, 2010 Yes, Insider Trading Is
Rampant. Yes, This Destroys Investor Confidence.
The Investing Public Is Angry. But, They Should Use TigerSoft To Track These
November 15, 2010 America as Plutocracy.
Tax The Rich More, for Goodness Sake. They Have Nearly All The Money.
October 27, 2010 Food
Prices Rise 60% since June. TigerSoft Shows How To Spot Such
Advances Early in Their Moves: Professional Buying and Public Selling.
October 27, 2010 America Is
for Sale - CHEAP!
September 29, 2010 The Fed's Printing Press by Any
Other Name Is A Printing Press.
September 18, 2010 Are Biotechs Going To Be Object of
Next Wave of Buyouts? CRXL up 55% on Friday,
September 14, 2010 Merger Mania and Internet Security
Is Symantec Next? Is This Excess A Sign of A Market Top?
September 10, 2010 "Free" Market Failures.
Lots of Reading for the Curious..
September 9. 2010 The Chicago "Free" Market Mob Is In Charge,
Obama's Has Surrounded Himself with University of Chicago Free-Market
Ideologues and Anti-Keynesians.
Paul Krugman Warns Obama's Adherence to Their Laissez-Faire Orthodoxy will
Cause A New Depression and Could Mortally Wound Democrats in 2010 and 2012..
September 6, 2010 A Labor Day Lament
We Must Tax The Rich. They Have Nearly All The Money.
Aug 31 Chinese Duties of US Chicken Invites Retaliation
Aug 30 Massive INISDER SELLING. DGFast Channel
Shareholders Should Be Mad as Hell at CEO Scott Ginsburg.
Aug 28 The Colossal Waste of War, Private Contractors and
The Military Industrial Complex
Aug 24 Crude Oil and Gold Warn of Deflation.
Aug 22 Ten Year Treasuries, Tiger Index of Bond Funds, MFL,
Aug 17 APOL - Peter Sperling's massive insider selling just
before GAO accuses APOL of fraud.
ESI - Blum Capital's costly mistake. They should have used TigerSoft.
Aug 13 Tiger Index of for PROFIT Schools show insider
selling started last November.
Aug 11 Obama is no FDR. FDR's Public Works Program
Aug 10 Peerless SELL on general market.
US Dollar
Aug 7 APOL
Aug 6 Global Warming and TigerSoft Chart
of Wheat
Aug 5 TigerSoft Home Building Index Chart
Aug 4 BYD - How Professionals Rig BOYD's
Stock. No Need To Gamble Here.
MA - MasterCard M - Macy's
Aug 3 Geithner back Big Banks and fights real
reform. The Betrayal of Main Street by Obama.
Countrywide settlement gives investors peanuts for its massive fraud..
Multinational Monopolies Do No Need American Workers.
Aug 2 Plutocracy Caused the Crashes of
1907, 1929 and 2008
Aug 1 Trading Chevron Is A Good Way To
July 31 The Rich Senate's Class War against
Most Americans
July 39 C Citigroup Proves Lying Pays
Insiders Well
MCO Who Takes Moody's Seriously
Ten Tear Treasuries Make New Lows and US Dollar Falls.
July 29 Profitably Trading Home Builders - BZH
and BHS - Long and Short.
July 28 Consumer Price Index Warns That Another
Market Decline Has Started,
July 27 V - Visa USO - Oil
NEM Gold Stock
Low Velocity Money Supply
Russia, Wheat, Soil Exhaustion and Global Warming
The Pentagon Paper II - America, Afghanistan and
MEE - How Many More Miners Will
Massey Energy's CEO Be Allowed To Kill?
40 million Americans on Meager Food Stamps.
25 Million Americans Wait for Monopoly Finance Capitalism to Provide Enough Jobs.
November 2010
FBI and SEC Launch Raiding on Insider Trading.
Insider Trading Is Rampant.
This Destroys Investor Confidence.
The Investing Public Is Angry.
But, This Is Exactly Why They Should Use
TigerSoft To Track Insiders.
See how Tiger's Inventions, The
Accumulation and Closing Power
early on distingush a stock about to rise
steeply from one about to
Cases of Recent Insider Buying:
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Cases of Insider Selling: ALNY, AMRI, BAC
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
11/15/2010 Tax The Rich
More, for Goodness Sake.
They Have Nearly All The Money.
Why must Republicans be so solicitous of the
very wealthy? Why do the
rich need the Bush tax breaks? Why can't Obama stand up, just a little, for the
people who voted for him. The Treasury has been looted by Halliburton and
the Wall Street banks. The Bush tax cuts will have given the rich a trillion dollars
more by 2020 if extended. With executive pat and bonuses rising again and
real unemployment at 17% and pay down sharply, the rich have nearly all the
money now. They are the only ones who can pay any more taxes!
I remember the 1950s when the economy was booming. The marginal
iax rate for the rich was 90%.
The wage gap between the rich and poor
is the widest it has ever been.
Washington allowed this. The political system is clearly a plutocracy. The
thing missing are corporate logos on the American flag.
The "Democratic" Congress did
nothing about outsourcing of jobs. That's
not an oversight. Their corporate sponsors do not want things changed.
Obama's Budget Deficit Panel refuses to consider any increases of taxes
on the super rich. Instead, they want Social Security to renege on their promise
to the elederly and raise the age of retirement with full social security to 69
from 65 1/2,
"The percent of income garnered by the wealthiest 10% of U.S. households hit 48.2% in 2008, up from 34.6% in 1980, according to a recent report on income equality by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. "Much of the spike was driven by the share of total income accrued by the richest 1% of households. Between 1980 and 2008, their share rose from 10% to 21%, making the United States one of the most unequal countries in the world."
"And the income gap has actually widened since the financial crisis: According to
the 2010 Census, the top 20% of workers -- those making more than $100,000 each year --
received 49.4% of all income generated in the U.S., compared with the 3.4% earned by those
below the poverty line. As
reported by, that ratio of 14.5-to-1 was an increase from 13.6 in 2008 and
nearly double a low of 7.69 in 1968. (See: "Great
Recession" Pushes Gap Between Rich and Poor to Record Levels)
The Rpublicans would extend the Bush tax cuts
for the very richest.
Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman writes:
"Whats at stake here? According to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, making all of the Bush tax cuts permanent, as opposed to following the Obama proposal, would cost the federal government $680 billion in revenue over the next 10 years. For the sake of comparison, it took months of hard negotiations to get Congressional approval for a mere $26 billion in desperately needed aid to state and local governments.
"And where would this $680 billion go? Nearly all of it would go to the richest 1 percent of Americans, people with incomes of more than $500,000 a year. But thats the least of it: the policy centers estimates say that the majority of the tax cuts would go to the richest one-tenth of 1 percent. Take a group of 1,000 randomly selected Americans, and pick the one with the highest income; hes going to get the majority of that groups tax break. And the average tax break for those lucky few the poorest members of the group have annual incomes of more than $2 million, and the average member makes more than $7 million a year would be $3 million over the course of the next decade.
"How can this kind of giveaway be justified at a time when politicians claim to care about budget deficits? Well, history is repeating itself. The original campaign for the Bush tax cuts relied on deception and dishonesty. In fact, my first suspicions that we were being misled into invading Iraq were based on the resemblance between the campaign for war and the campaign for tax cuts the previous year. And sure enough, that same trademark deception and dishonesty is being deployed on behalf of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.
"So, for example, were told that its all about helping small business; but only a tiny fraction of small-business owners would receive any tax break at all. And how many small-business owners do you know making several million a year?
"Or were told that its about helping the economy recover. But its hard to think of a less cost-effective way to help the economy than giving money to people who already have plenty, and arent likely to spend a windfall.
"No, this has nothing to do with sound economic policy. Instead, as I said, its about a dysfunctional and corrupt political culture, in which Congress wont take action to revive the economy, pleads poverty when it comes to protecting the jobs of schoolteachers and firefighters, but declares cost no object when it comes to sparing the already wealthy even the slightest financial inconvenience. "
10/28/2010 Surging Food Prices
The weaker Dollar and Russian Grain
Crop failure have sent food prices up
sharply. Professional buying and Public selling as measured only by TigerSoft
marked the start of their advances.
many families, supermarket savings are just a few coupons away.
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Tiger's Professionals' Closing Power.
See how its advancing while Public Buying declines maked the start of the biggest
CORN![]() |
COFFEE![]() |
OATS![]() |
SUGAR![]() |
10/26/2010 America Is For Sale Cheap...
Thank to Wall Street
sponsored boom in Crude Oil to $145/bar Middle Eastern
Sovereign Wealth Funds are loaded with cash. And they're buying parking meters
in Chicago, a A toll highway in Indiana, the Chicago Skyway. A stretch of highway in
Parking meters in Nashville, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, a port in Virginia, and numberous
Californian public infrastructure projects,
"America is quite literally for sale, at rock-bottom prices, and the buyers
are the very people who scored big in the oil bubble. Thanks to Goldman Sachs and
Morgan Stanley and the other investment banks that artificially jacked up the price of
over the course of the last decade, Americans delivered a lot of their excess cash into
the coffers
of sovereign wealth funds like the Qatar Investment Authority, the Libyan Investment
Saudi Arabia's SAMA Foreign Holdings, and the UAE's Abu Dhabi Investment Authority.".
9/29/2010 The Fed's Printing Press IS Not Such A Bad Thing.
You Prefer A Stock Market Collapse?
The FED is buying US Government Debt, but with what?
officials clash over efforts to aid economy- AP
See also Bernanke's
asset purchase program could reach $2 Trillion.
This is just printing money
by a different name. Which, by the way, I favor.
Bailing out the banks has hurt the economy, Let the banks get paid back in money
that has depreciated by 33%! Gold and
Silver will rise meanwhile.
The Dollar will not totally collapse, as right wingers say, because it is needed
as the single most important medium of exchange and the world markets are gaining
steam on their own. And because the FED is NOT the 1929-1932 FED.
In my opionion, liberal FED policies are necessary until an FDR like PUBLIC WORKS
PROGRAM ON A MASSIVE SCALE is launched to provide jobs and get the economy
back on track by boosting the urchasing power of everyday people instead of banks and
bankers.. Chicago Economic Thinking has completely hamstrung Obama. He is no FDR.
Unfortunately, Republicans are neo-Hooverites. Right now, we are doomed without Bernanke's
printing press. In the long
run, we are doomed without a new third party, a people's party,
that promotes socialism for job creation instead of just for the military. Taxing the rich
as they were taxed in the 1950s will get us out of this mess, provided US corporations are
allowed to export jobs! FREE TRADE thinking IS DANGEROUSLY EXPENSIVE now!
Are Biotechs Going
to Become The Next Wave
of Mergers.
through the Biotechs, we see how well TigerSoft's indicators measuring Insider and
Professional buying worked to predoct the big advances of
ABII - Perfect Accum Buy on pullback to 65-dma - 11/24/2009 34.00 Now 75.
ACEL - Low Priced Speculative play 0.43 + .11 on Friday.
ARTC - Perfect Accum Buy on pullback to 65-dma - 11/2/2009 19.40 Now 25.81
AZN - Perfect Accum Buy on Close back above 65-dma - 6/1/2010 45.02 Now 52.05
BMRN - Shows Insider and Professional Buying.
BVF - Running after very high insider buying and June.
CRXL - Classic buy out: extensive insider and professional buying.
EMIS - Extensive insider and professional buying. Big Advance. Major Sells and Fizzle.
IDT - Extensive insider and professional buying. Big Advance.
ILMN - Extensive insider and professional buying. Starting up again.
MDM - Insider and professional buying.
NPSP - Insider and professional buying. Watch for new breakout run.
PCYC - Insider and professional buying.aplenty.
SNMX - Insider Buying. Resistance at 4.75. Watch CLosing Power for sign of
next advance.
TGEN - Insider Buying and Strong Closing Power. Bullish.
VPHM - Insider Buying Buy at 9.86 on 2/11. Resistance at 4.75.
Watch CLosing Power for sign of next advance.
YMI - Recent insider buying with strong Professional CLosing Power.
I See Tiger Insider Trading Charts for
these stocks.
Friday, Johnson & Johnson said that is planning to acquire CRXL. This is a
Swine and Bird Flu stock.
It showed all the signs we usually see before a buy-out:
1) Spikes of Insider Buying from Tiger's Accumulation Index and
2) Heavy Professional Buying from Tiger's Professional Closing Power Rise while
prices fell.
See how TigerSoft spots the
buy-outs BEFORE the public announcement.
Use TigerSoft's Insider Trading Charts to Check Who's Buying/Selling Any
Automatic Signals:
Insider Buying/Selling
Merger Mania and Internet Security Stocks:
ARST and NZ...
See how TigerSoft spots the
buy-outs BEFORE the public announcement. (Wed, Sep 8)
Netezza Up 11% On Takeover Rumors; Cancels Investor Dinner - Tech
Is Symantec next?
Can the big boys of the corporate world afford not to have one
of these security companies under their umbrella? That's the pitch given now by
Mergers and Acquisition salesmen. Could all this be just a last splashy buying
spree showing how ultimately emotional the multi-million dollar corporate heads are?
TigerSoft's Insider Trading chart of SYMANTEC (SYMC) is show below, then RDWR and
ARST, the day they took off.
SYMANTEC Netezza, Symantec
jump on takeover rumors
Insider Purchases - Last 6 Months | ||
Shares | Trans | |
Purchases | 60,000 | 3 |
Sales | 1,525,580 | 42 |
Net Shares Purchased (Sold) |
(1,465,580) | 45 |
Total Insider Shares Held | 2.39M | N/A |
% Net Shares Purchased (Sold) |
(38%) | N/A |
Despite How Glaringly Obvious are The Failures of
The "Free Market", Obama Still Promotes This Myth
And Lets Millions Suffer... He Was Elected To Lead
in A New Direction. He and His Party Have Failed Terribly.
Just 21 years ago after the collapse of
the Soviet Union, Socialism and Marxism
were dismissed as complete failures. The "free market" seemed vindicated
to many. But, now the boom and bust of Wall Street, the trillion Dollar bailout
of banks too big to fail, a real unemployment level of 15%, homelesness,
escalating medical insurance costs, unending wars a world away, Global Warming
and the obvious domination of both political parties by Wall Street show that
Americans needs to fundamentally change the status quo. Even now, Wall Street
behaves as though everything is back to normal.
America and The Planet Can No Longer Afford To Be Guided
by This "Free Market" Ideology Whose Sole Purpose Now
Is To Befuddle Common Sense and Protect The Rich and Powerful.
Lots of Reading for the Curious.
2008 OBAMA: "I am a pro-growth, free-market guy. I
love the market.
I think it is the best invention to allocate resources." (Source.)
In theory this means, businesses are regulated through the dictates of supply and
Prices and and distribution are controlled by business owners and investors. Profits are
distributed among the owners and shareholders. In a word, "greed is good".
Obama was either being naive or
telling the rich and powerful that he was no threat.
If we really had a free market, the Wall Street banks that made stupid investment
would now be bankrupt, to be replaced by more intelligent banks and managers. Instead
they have been bailed out -- at taxpayer expense -- and permitted to continue
hardly any new restrictions. (B
Very few industrues are competitive. Most are "oligopolies" and dominated by a
just a few corporations.
For example, as of fourth quarter 2008, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint Nextel, and T-Mobile
together control
89% of the US cellular phone market...Firms may employ restrictive trade practices
(collusion, market
sharing etc.) to raise prices and restrict production in much the same way as a monopoly. Where there
is a formal agreement for such collusion, this is known as a cartel. A primary example of
such a cartel
is OPEC which has a profound
influence on the international price of oil.
Many examples: Airlines, tire, banking, autos, steel, soft drinks, tobacco, TV networksm
film, aluminum,
cell phone, gas distribution, music companies (4), beer, healthcare insurance and corn
Anti-trust laws are no longer enforced very much. The result is higher priced
products, slower
innovation and emphasis on TV marketing. Prices are set by leaders where outright
collusion might
bring legal action.
Corporations depend heavily upon government handouts and contracts.
Corporations have bought Congress and the Networks and subverted Democaacy..
The very rich have so much political power, they cannot be challenged and so get richer.
Corporations are run as fiefdoms with those on top getting huge salaries that often bear
no realtionship
to their true productivity and the company's success.
America has lost its indistrial and manufacturing base to the international free traders..
American workers are being impoverished more and more. It is ti the interest of the
corporation to pay as low as possible to Labor.
Boom (greed unmitigated) and Busts (unmitgated fear) cause severe unemployment for
unbearably long periods of time.
Economic decisons are made with very imperfect information, because of the pervasive
misinformation, fraud and concealment of relevant information to shareholders and
Pollution is inevitable. Corporations want to operate as cheaply as possible.
Over-all concerns
about the planer are not the concern of a business seeking to maximize profits.
Finite and non-renewable energy resources and food (fish) are exhausted. Long-term,
future and
global concerns are secondary to exploiting resources to maximize profits in the present..
Obama and The Chicago
ECON "Free" Market Mob
9/10/2010 Adding to my concerns
about how much Obama is dependent on
on the advise of right-wing "free matket" ideologues in the middle of a
Depression, Obama announced today that he is appointing 41-year old
Austan Goolsbee to head his Council of Econimic
Advisers. Where is he from? University of Chicago Business School.
Born in Waco, Texas.
He went to Yale and was in the top secret.
well-connected internationalist Skull and Bones secret society that
helped promote 2 Bushes and John Kerry towards the Presidency.
With a Ph.D. from MIT, Goolsbee's academic research, his bio says,
has focused on the internet and government policy.
Jon Stewart describes him as "Eliot Ness meets Milton Friedman".[Source]
He has respeatedly advocated more international
free trade.
Is he afraid of America's loss of its manufacturing base and
the outsourcing of millions of American jobs? Not hardly!
Goolsbee says globalization is responsible for only"a small fraction"
of today's income disparities. He completely omits mention of how
exorbitant CEO pay has become. He avoids talking about misuse
of power by boardroom cronies running corporations.
He says that "60 to 70 percent of the economy faces virtually
no international competition." America's 18.5 million government
employees have little to fear from free trade; so do auto
mechanics, dentists and many others. " He has bought the
University of Chicago "free trade" nonsense hook line and sinker.
Has he any real experience in a town who manufacturing base
has left to go overseas? Source.
Obama' is destroying the Democratic Party. More and more people
do not see Democrats making any difference to the unemployed and poor.
The chartible view of Obama is that he is professorial, aloof and stubbornly
holds to the belief that he can win over Republicans by compromise.
Less charitable and more common view is that he a corporate sell-out
who has placed the needs of Wall Street above those who voted for him.
the discussion created by a piece entitled "Unilateral Disarmament
Destroyed The Democrats."
"We're not stupid. We know that he strode into the white house
with near historic pluralities
and MASSIVE, much more than any president since Truman, public support. He had all he
needed to
affect meaningful change which would have improved the lives of all americans..We know he
eschewed all
that from his first day. We saw him and his party take a chain saw to a "stim"
before the Rs even
demanded anything. And that was the highlight of his admin. Since then, it's been all
service to
corporations with empty rhetoric toward human beings no matter the degree of need. "
"Obama and his so called party of the people are I'd like to add
frauds. They
NEVER IMO ever had any intention of really delivering on REAL Change from day 1"
"I knew in 04 when Nancy took impeachment off the table we were fu&%#@ed".
"To me Dennis Kucinich would have been our only hope, but he is marginalised by the
yet Sarah Palin even immidiately after her loss for the bid of vice-president gets wall to
wall coverage, her
every stupid, jongoistic, bullshit statement getting worldwide coverage...has that EVER
happened for a
failed candidate for the under-office?"
"There's no doubt that the Demos got the heady taste of corporate money and
"The White House is highly complicit in all this. They are not being beaten by the
Instead, at the orders of the Corporate interests that run both parties, and thus the
country, they are laying down
for the Republicans"/.
Is Goolsbee dismayed about widening
income inequality?
Goolsbee's rough estimate is that technology -- meaning all that
the phrase "information economy" denotes -- accounts for more
than 80 percent of the increase in earnings disparities, whereas trade
accounts for much less than 20 percent." .
The stagnation of
middle- and working-class incomes, and the anxiety that has generated,
is, he says, a most pressing problem, but policymakers must be
mindful about trying to address its root cause, which
Goolsbee says is "radically increased returns to skill...
The solution is to invest more in education, which will
raise wages, reduce inequality and move toward
equilibrium." Source.
Toys from China?
Goolsbee is not alarmed that 90% of the tools
we might buy at Home Depot are made in China.
He maintains that "all imports are only 16.7 percent of
the U.S. economy and imports from China are a small
portion of all imports. Those from China amount to 2.2
percent of the U.S. gross domestic product. Source.
Milton Friedman, Hayek, Knight and Lucas
Would Be Proud of Obama.,
Where FDR Deliberately Surrounded Himself with Advisors
who held many points of view, Obama has surrounded himself
with Advisers from Chicago who have all been heavily
influenced by the University of Chicago's anti-Keynesianism.
WIthout exception they are defenders of the "free market" and
Could Monetary Policy Be about to Fail? Look at the troubled
charts of Visa. Interest rates are now starting to rise.
TNX - Ten Tear Treasuries
Individual Investors Pulled Out $33 Billion from Mutual Funds in 2010 So Far.
Unfair professional manipulative trading practices, it is said, are causing too many
losses for individual investors. The real reason is the more and more people
are falling out of the Middle Class and are selling the stocks in their retirement
This link
lists a series of reforms that most non Wall Street observers think are needed.
But since Wall Street seems to own Obama, despite his rhetoric, as well as the Fed, the
Treasury and the Senate Finance Committee, there's little point in setting these
out here again. Obama and the Wall Street triumvirate believe that it's better Wall
make a lot of money, that stocks keep getting artificially "juiced" and,
perhaps, there
will be enough "trickle down" to make Main Street whole again.
Obama Is Now Repeating FDR's 1937
Blunder of|
Pursuing Budget Austerity in The Middle
of A Depression.
Nobel Prize winning economist, Paul Krugman warns that Obama has put us back into
a 1937 scenario. This was when FDR started to listened to the conservatives in the
headed by Morgenthau and cut back government spending so he could claim he was
balancing the budget. The public drew the tragically mistaken conclusion that
government spending would somehow create more jobs. And there was a great Stock
Market Crash and a Second Depression. I have written all this before.
February 4, 2010 Will Obama Cause
Another 1937 Crash? If Obama Keeps Taking The
Advise of Self-Serving
Readers here will want to subscribe to my Nightly Hotline or get Peerless Stock Market
Timing software to see if
the current Peerless chart looks similar to the 1937 chart
when FDR started pursuing budget balancing policies to try to try to pacify
his Republican critics, just as Obama seems now to be doing, rather than listening to
progressives who call for heavy taxation of the super rich and a truly massive
public works and infrastructure rebuilding to provide a million new jobs and
make America competitive again. The result for FDR's move to the right in 1937
was a serious political defeat in the 1938 election. And only the coming of war in
Europe brought an economic recovery in the US when qualms about deficit spending
were put aside to fight the war. The result for Obama will be no better, especially
his temerity puts in power the very type of people and the very same economic
thinking that brought on the 1929-1932 and 2007-2008 Crashes and Depressions.
It is a terrible flaw in Obama's education that he know so little economic history
and nothing about John Meynard Keynes.
1936 A
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. In
the book Keynes
showed that the lack of demand for goods and rising unemployment could be
countered by increased government expenditure to stimulate the economy, which
would then provide a bigger tax base. In this way, deficit would disappear and
be funded by the recovery. Without such government efforts, unemployment,
deflation and deficits would spiral disastrously into a self-perpetuating Depression.
Keynes Deficit Spending Plans Were
Opposed by British Labor and Conservative Parties in the 1930s.
In 1929, influenced by Keynes, UK Liberal
Leader Lloyd George published
a pamphlet, We Can Conquer Unemployment,
where he proposed a government scheme
where 350,000 men were to
be employed on road-building, 60,000 on housing, 60,000 on
telephone development and 62,000 on electrical development. The cost would be £250
million, and the money would be raised by loan. Tragically, a Keynesian deficit
program was dismissed in the 1930s by Labour's Ramsay MacDonald and Phillip Snowden
and by the Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer Neville Chamberlain.
Obama and The University of Chicago's Anti-Keynesianism
"The Chicago school is associated with neoclassical
price theory and
in its support of lower taxation and private sector regulation...
The school rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism until the
when it turned to rational expectations. It has affected the field of finance by
the development of the efficient market hypothesis.
Frank Knight
(18851972) - "He believed that while the free market
could be inefficient, government programs were even less efficient. "
Friedrich von Hayek (18991992) An aristocrat
from Vienna,
he is best known for his defense of free-market capitalism
Milton Friedman (19122006) - he won the Nobel Prize in
Economics in 1976 for,
among other things, A Monetary History of the United
States (1963). Friedman argued that the Great Depression had been caused
almost entirely by the Federal Reserve's policies through the
1920s, and
worsened in the 1930s. Friedman argued that laissez-faire government policy
is more desirable than government intervention in the economy.
Robert E. Lucas (b. 1937) - Dedicated "his life to unwinding
Keynesianism," Micro-economics
should over-power and consume
macro-economics. "Each chapter discusses the Post Keynesian view on one
particular topic and ..... many quarters with ridicule and often with hostility,
dislike, and contempt." Source.
Criticism of
Chicago's Economic Thinking
"The Chicago school, which advocates for unfettered free markets and
little government intervention (albeit within a strict, government-defined monetary
regime), came under attack in the wake of the financial crisis of 20072010.[17]
The school has been blamed for growing income inequality in the United States.[18]
Economist Brad DeLong of the University of California, Berkeley says the
Chicago School has experienced an "intellectual collapse", while Nobel laureate Paul Krugman of Princeton
University, says that recent comments from Chicago school economists are "the
product of a Dark Age of macroeconomics in which hard-won knowledge has been
charging that the school has done nothing to help salvage the economy in the wake of the
market intellectuals argue that the 2007-09 economic collapse was due to government
mis-management and over regulation of the mortgage loan sector; saying Wall Street was
forced to give credit to individuals with no capacity to make payments.[21][22]"
"The University of
Chicago is where he has
drawn many crucial members of his political team. Graduate School of Business professor
Austan Goolsbee is a key economic strategist. University trustee Valerie
Jarrett has become one of his closest friends and top advisers, and fellow trustee John W.
Rogers Jr., U-High76, a South Side entrepreneur, is a friend and fund-raiser. University board chair
James Crown heads Obamas Illinois finance team. Former Law School colleagues Cass
Sunstein and Geoffrey Stone, JD71, serve as informal advisers.
"Obamas chief strategist
since 2002, David Axelrod, AB79, studied political science in the
College, and many of the senators earliest allies are also alumni, including former
Hyde Park congressman and Mandel Legal Aid Clinic senior director Abner Mikva,
JD51... Meanwhile, as might be expected with a hometown candidate, the number of Chicago professors who
have given the campaign money, support, or expertise is legion.
"Many of Obamas economic
ideas, however, can be traced to Chicago.
Cass Sunstein, whos starting a new job at Harvard University this fall
(hell maintain a visiting position at Chicago), makes the case: Though hes not a dogmatic
follower of Milton Friedman, Obama is someone who is
fully appreciative of the virtues of markets and how regulation can be
counterproductive. Sunstein points to specific proposals that originated with Chicago thinkers,
including resonances from Nudge, the 2008 book on libertarian paternalism that
Sunstein coauthored with GSB economist Richard Thaler. On health care: Its
noteworthy, Sunstein says, that his approach is not a mandate; he didnt
want to coerce any adult to buy health insurance. On the housing mortgage crisis:
His policies are oriented toward transparency and disclosuremeasures that are
market-improving rather than market-eliminating. Climate change: His solution
is a market system that allows trading in greenhouse-gas emissions rights, and an auction
to buy those rights.
Is a 1937-1938 Collapse In Our Own Future in 2010-2012?
Peerless Sell S9s Mark Tops in 1937
I wish Krugman could show the errors in what I write so that another big market decline
another jump in unemployment might seem more likely. Krugman
wrote the following in the
York Times on September 8th.
What Is Good for Wall Street Is Most Likely No Longer Good for Average Americans.
Has Wall Street Sowed The Seeds of Its Own Destruction. The bearish looking
head and shoulders patterns suggest a strong populist backlash is coming.
If the rich are taxed more, they must sell shares and the stock market will go down.
If the rich are not taxed, America will risk bankruptcy.
To Finance The Rebuilding of America
"The top 1 percent of wage earners earn more
income than the bottom 50 percent;
and the top 1 percent has more wealth than the bottom 90 percent."
"If the super-rich are allowed to avoid estate taxes, that money
will have to
be raised elsewhere. Any guesses on who will have to pay it? "
Bushs tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans are thought to have
cost $830 billion over 10 years Extending all the tax cuts would increase
the deficit by $3.1
trillion dollars over the next 10 years.
Sources of Revenue to Pay for Re-Building America's Crumbling Infrastructure.
1 A
0.25% tax on all stock transactions would raise $150 billion to pay for
jobs and infrastructure re-building. Commissions are already down
to way under $8 an order. Place an INFRASTRUCTURE $25 tax on
a $10,000 transaction and we are simply back to the level that commissions
were in 1980. This will deter in and out transactions that unsettle the market.
It will place more emphasis on longer-term corporate growth and give
America the money it needs to help the infrastructure.
2 A Special Tax on
Computerized High Frequency Program Trading is Needed.
This asocial behavior is destructive of small investors. Tax these transactions
most heavily. High
frequency trading firms now account for 73% of all U.S. equity
trades See also
CLEAN. Same with Cayman Isl, Bermuda, Bahamas,
kept 52000 secret bank accounts for U.S. taxpayers - IRS ...
What about every other bank and brokerage?
Secret Swiss Bank Accounts held by Wealthy Americans to Avoid Taxation.,8599,1917648,00.html
Virginia doctor has pleaded guilty to conspiracy involving an undeclared Swiss bank
Street Greek: Secret Swiss Bank Accounts Expose Switzerland
Sep 21, 2009 ... Robert
McKenzie says one of his clients told him he forgot he had $32 million
in a foreign bank account
4 Multi-Millionaire Estates
- "Stop Coddling The Rich"
"More than 16 percent of working-age Americans are unemployed or underemployed. Long-term unemployment is the highest on record. Millions of people have lost their homes, savings and pensions.
"Two: The United States today has a $13 trillion national debt and a record-breaking deficit. Last year alone, the federal government spent more than $186 billion just paying interest on the public debt.
"Three: The United States has the most unequal distribution of wealth and income of any major country. Today, the top 1 percent of wage earners earn more income than the bottom 50 percent; and the top 1 percent has more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.
"During the Bush administration, the middle class saw a $2,200 drop in median
family income, down to slightly more than $50,000. Meanwhile, the 400 wealthiest
families income more than doubled, while their effective income tax rates were
slashed almost in half during the past 15 years. The wealthiest 400 Americans have
accumulated $1.27 trillion in wealth, while the highest-paid 400 Americans had an average
income of $345 million in 2007. As a result of Bush tax policy, they pay an effective
income tax rate of 16.6 percent, the lowest on record.
"Four: This year, a number of billionaires died and, for the first time since 1916,
their families will pay no inheritance tax. This occurred as a result of President George
W. Bushs $1.35 trillion tax break, passed in 2001.
In other words, while this country has a devastatingly high unemployment rate, a huge debt, massive unmet needs and a widening gap between the very richest people and everyone else, we are providing enormous tax breaks to millionaire and billionaire families. This is insane! "
5. Close Loopholds Encouraging Corporations to Ship Jobs Overseas. $9.8 Billion.
the Outsourcing Loophole « Main Street
8/31/2010 Chinese Duties on Imported American Chicken Invites American
Beijing and Washington also are embroiled in disputes over access to each other's markets
steel pipes, movies and books and other goods.
Chinese stocks are especially volatile. Use A/D Line for the group or automatic
Tiger Closing Power trends and non-confirmations plus the Tiger Accumulation Index for
individual stocks.
8/31/2010 Class
Action Law Suit against Scot Ginsburg and DGIT initiated.
See our write-up from yesterday..
DGFastChannel - products/services digitially deliver commercials, syndicated
programs, and video news releases.
This was a 38.4% decline in one day. Technical weakness was easy to spot as it
topped out.
Tiger's CLosing Power failed to rally with the stock three weeks ago and then broke its
uptrend. This is a classic SELL. Margin calls must have been triggered by the
slide. Professionals and market makers steadily sold it down.
The real truth is that official insiders bought no shares in the last 6 months, but sold
Belatedly, the company forecast "weaker-than-expected" revenue for the thrid
quarter. The insider expected
the drop in revenue much earlier. That was why they sold. They just didn't get
around to telling shareholders
until this weekend. How convenient. Not a single complaint on the Yahoo message
board of DGIT. A bunch
of sheep?. Will Scott go SCOT-free? Will the SEC ask any questions? Don't hold
your breath. Just use
TigerSoft to level the playing field.
CEO and Chairman of the Board Scott
Ginsburg was the biggest seller. He sold more than a million shares.
between 32 and 43. He was found guitly of insider trading in 2002 and was fined a
million and enjoined not
to engage in future violations of the law. Obviously, he is man on a mission of
Aug 2, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 42,498 | Direct | Sale at $38.13 per share. |
Jun 1, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 23,900 | Direct | Sale at $43.10 per share. |
May 28, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 176,100 | Direct | Sale at $42.63 per share. |
May 27, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 200,000 | Direct | Sale at $43.01 per share |
Mar 9, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 17,013 | Indirect | Sale at $33.53 per share. |
Mar 5, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 122,500 | Indirect | Sale at $32.62 per share. |
Mar 2, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 152,500 | Indirect | Sale at $32.62 per share. |
Mar 1, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 27,439 | Direct | Sale at $32.52 per share. |
Feb 26, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 81,100 | Direct | Sale at $32.52 per share. |
Feb 22, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 42,434 | Direct | Sale at $31.98 per share. |
Feb 19, 2010 | GINSBURG SCOTT KOfficer | 200,000 | Direct | Sale at $32.51 per share. |
Feb 18, 2010 | GALLAGHER LISA CDirector | 1,000 | Direct | Automatic Sale at $34 per share. |
Read the commennts on Yahoo by someone who watch the insider selling, thought it
smelled, but
lazily did nothing with his position, saying he was a long term investor. This is
very typical.
a joke, DGIT CEO acting stupidly
"Please tell me that there is no stench in the air from Ginsburg's
last sale of over 250K shares at 32.5 and then immediate drop back down.
MMs ran it up for him to sell and then sell it right back down as if they know for a fact
they have nothing to fear from DGIT management from doing anything crazy like releasing
information to the public. One thing for sure the people buying at 32.5 are the same ones
selling it down. Ginsburg is acting stupid here in my opinion. I mean it is not as if he
has not given out insider info before and been prosecuted for it. He had better start
thinking more clearly if you ask me.
I keep holding long because I am a very big believer in the long term position and think
the stock will be trading above $40 before the end of the year. But it is hard to put up
with this kind of monkey business.
8/28/2010 AP
IMPACT: US wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq
They finally got the memo. Billions? Trillions Were Wasted and Stolen in Iraq and
Private Contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater and
the Military Industrial Complex
are Out of Control. Eisenhower's warning in 1961 was truly prophetic.
"This conjunction of an immense
military establishment and a large arms industry
is new in the American experience. The total influence economic, political, even
is felt in every city
We must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our
toil, resources
and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society...
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted
whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the
rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this
endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only
an alert
and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and
machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may
prosper together."
Obama's War in Afghanistan is as unpopular as Bush's in Iraq. But Congress and
Refuse to Stop these Useless Campaigns, Bring Home The Troops and Spend The Money
in Rebuilding The US Infrastructure. Nothing was learned from the US War in Viet
Nothing was learned from the war in Iraq. America needs new leadership desperately.
See our March 1, 2008 Blog The
Biggest Theft in American History:
How The US
Treasury Was Bankrupted by Bush's and Cheney' Buds and Halliburton.
Military spending is sure to be challenged in this election year. Lockheed's stock
seems to
have turned down, for now.
If anythng, I have understated how dire is the state of our democracy and how much
now prevent real competition in the most vital industries. Read from this site:
how much I have left out.
8/24/2010 Oil
falls to near $72 in Asia on economic fears- AP
World demand for crude oil seems to be topping out. As deflationary as this seems, the
less money
consumers have to give the oil cartel, the more money they have for other purchases.
here does take pressure off the Dollar and permits low interest rates to continue longer
they would if oil prices were rising steeply. This is not good for Gold. Look
for Gold to retreat. shoulder
8/22/2010 "Bonds
Aren't the New Tech Stocks"
"Between 1998 and 2000, at the height of the technology bubble,
roughly $740 million a day of
U.S. retail money went into tech stocks, according to TrimTabs Research, a firm that track
flows. By comparison, over the past 20 months, U.S. money has been pouring into bond funds
at an
average rate of roughly $1.5 billion per day.That is enough to make anybody's head
TigerSoft charts show it is not the public which is buying bonds, it is professionals on
their behalf,
perhaps. For now the trend for bond funds is up. Use our software to see when
this trend is over.
Read our Nightly Hotline to see specifically what will change the picture and stop their
10-Year Treasury Rates are now 2.61%. In April they were 4.0%
Tiger Index of Bond Funds
Best Bond Fund?
8/18/2010 WHAT MAKES
Just when Insiders and other professionals are selling. Ask San Francisco's Blum Capital.
Not enough due diligence about ESI's students' very high default rates on their loans.
The Department of Education is considering putting an end to government-backed loans at
with very low repayment rates. Their graduates are not getting schooled very well
and are not
getting jobs. Companies like ESI depend upon the government subsidizing them through
its student loans programs. But now, with each Dollar being more important, it is
results. About time, I say. Is that
for-profit certificate worth the debt?
See also TigerSoft's Blog August 14,
For-Profit Colleges
Are Getting A Grade of Double "F"
The "FF"
Stands for Fraud and Failure To Educate.
Some of the Professionals made poor decisions here to buy: Blum Capital Management's
dumb decision
to buy proves they do not use TigerSoft, which have clear warnings about the stock as they
were buying.
Apr 30, 2010 | BLUM CAPITAL PARTNERS LPBeneficial Owner (10% or more) | 61,200 | Direct | Purchase at $103.02 per share. | $6,304,82 |
Reported Insider Selling:
Jun 1, 2010 | FEICHTNER EUGENE WOfficer | 3,000 | Direct | Sale at $99.73 - $100.66 per share. | $301,000 |
May 12, 2010 | WEBER VINDirector | 2,500 | Direct | Sale at $106.30 per share. | $265,750 |
May 5, 2010 | DEAN JOHN EDirector | 3,077 | Direct | Sale at $104.56 per share. | $321,731 |
ITT Educational Services, Inc. provides postsecondary degree programs in the United
States. The company offers master, bachelor, associate, and career-oriented education
programs in various fields, such as information technology, electronics technology,
drafting and design, business, criminal justice, and health sciences.
Mr. Kevin M. Modany , 43 Chairman and Chief Exec. Officer |
2.16M in executive pay |
Blum Capital Management's dumb decision to buy at the end of April proves they do not use
which save clear warnings about ESI just as they were buying it. .
8/15/2010 For-Profit Collegse Are Failing Scrutiny of GAO and
Government Subsidizers.
For-Profit Jail Should Get The Heat Next. Guess who is the biggest financial backer
Arizona's new arrest on sight anyone who looks like they are an illegal allien. The
for-Profit Prisons.
would be very big gainers if Arizona starts arresting everyone who looks like they could
be an illegal
allien. . Source.
Other for profit "public" industries like for-profit-prisons are
sure to be treated to the
same type of questions that the for profit-schools are, especially in view of the recent
of killers ftom Arizona's for-profit prison system..
Warden, security chief resign after prison
escape from a prison ran
for profit by a contracting
company called Management & Training Corporation
Criminal Prosecution of these
For-Profit Schools for Fraud is very likely.
Some of the schools have even instructed students about how to lie in order to get Federal
student aid. In an era of retrenchment, their lobbyists will have to start doling
out a lot
of huge bribes to Congressmen. But that's what unlimited corporate campaign contributions
are for, thanks to the Supreme Court. See original article in Barrons.
Below is the Tiger Index for these education stocks. Note the heavy insider selling
in the deeply red
readings from TigerSoft's Insider Ttrading Indicator - the Tiger Accumulation Index. Sell
on rallies after you see this and on red Sell Signals. See our warnings and
news about this industry
on 8/7/2010.
This is definitely a time when investors should be watching how Wall Street Professionals
are treating these stocks. They are becoming pariahs. They now have a stench of
fraud. Watch TigerSoft's now red Accumulation Index for these stocks and the (blue)
downtrend of their Professional Closing Power. Click on the links to see these
APOL Apollo Group
DV DeVry
LOPE Grand Canyon Education
CECO Career Education
COCO Corinthian Colleges
STRA Strayer Education
LINC Lincoln Educational Services
Below is the Tiger Index for these 9 atoxka.
8/11/2010 Obama Is No FDR. FDR Saved Capitalism. Obama Seeks to
Save Monopoly Banks.
That's Not Much To Campaign
on When Unemployment Is Higher Now Than When He Took
Why does Obnma hides his course work at Columbia and the fact that he either dId poorly in
basic ECON 101, or perhaps never even took It. As a result, he appears utterly
unaware of
how FDR dealt with Big Banks and FDR's Public Works' Programs or how FDR responded
in 1934 when right-wingers attacked the New Deal as socialism.
Street's "perverse incentive structures" guarantee another crisis
"Excessive pay on Wall Street, which Black says is the biggest
culprit of the financial crisis"
The Financial regulation reform utterly fails to deal with this, Obama's rhetoric not
Fed takes action as economy sinks further
What the Fed says: "it would spend a relatively small amount of money -- about
$10 billion a month,
economists estimate -- buying government debt. The move is designed to drive interest
rates on
mortgages and corporate borrowing at least a little lower and help the economy grow
Peerless DJIA Chart - August 10, 2010 from TigerSoft Hotline
VERY BEARISH. I think, are
Bernanke's ramarks that he wants the FED to buy
US Treasury instruments. The strong implication is that he will backstop them when
Chinese start to sell their huge holdings. He may have meant well, but Bernanke's comments are
most unreassuring. Are the Chinese selling
already? Is he preparing us for that contingency?
Is the prospect of the Chinese dumping US debt instruments big part of why the Dollar has
weak. TigerSoft's Closing Power leads its price trends. Currency traders
should be using
TigeerSoft. 10 years of Closing Price charts are available for $125 on the British
Pound, Japanese.
Closing Power's downtrend should be respected for now. Get TigerSoft and see our
rules for
trading our Professional Closing Power.
Is the pace of economic recovery so slow that no one will borrow to buy a house at 4% or
build a US factory?. The Fed is getting desperate. It is "pushing on a
string". Monetary policy
is not the answer. Fiscal stimulus and federal public
works programs are the only solution.
But Obama's financial advisers are hopelessly beholden to big banks and fearful that the
wing radio chorus will scream "socialism". So an FDR like New Deal with
massive public works
programs is not even talked about.
REAL NEW DEAL HISTORY ![]() WPA was the largest employer in the country until WWII. "The goal of the WPA was to employ most of the unemployed people on relief until the economy recovered. Harry Hopkins testified to Congress during January 1935 why he set the number at 3.5 million, using Federal Emergency Relief Administration data. Estimating costs at $1200 per worker per year, he asked for and received $4 billion." "largest New Deal agency, employing millions to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. It fed children and redistributed food, clothing, and housing. Almost every community in the United States had a park, bridge or school constructed by the agency, which especially benefited rural and Western populations. Expenditures from 1936 to 1939 totaled nearly $7 billion.[1]...Created by order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the WPA was funded by Congress with passage of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 on April 8, 1935. The legislation had passed in the House of Representatives by a margin of 329 to 78, but was delayed by the Senate.[1]...Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA provided jobs and income to the unemployed during the Great Depression in the United States. Between 1935 and 1943, the WPA provided almost eight million jobs.[2] (Source: ) ![]() ![]() WPA mural in Cincinnati. Now at airport. See more WPA murals. New Deal/WPA Art Project
TVA's service area covers most of Tennessee, parts of Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky, and small slices of Georgia,
Carolina, South
Carolina, West
Virginia, Indiana
and Virginia. It was
the first large regional planning agency of the federal government and remains the
largest. Under the leadership of David Lilienthal ("Mr. TVA"),
TVA became a model for America's governmental efforts to modernize Third World agrarian
societies.[1] Today, TVA is the nation's largest public power company, providing electric power to
over nine million customers in the Tennessee Valley. (
) |
Obama seems so utterly ignorant ot the economic history of the New Deal. He never mentions
FDR, even though the challenges were similat for both Presidents. We know that he
Political Science and International Relations at Columbia. Having gone to Columbia
I can say, it would be quite easy for an undergraduate to major in international relations
and learn relatively little about macronomics or economic history. Why does he speak
little of this time in his life? Why does no one remember him? Obama has
refused to release
his college transcripts.
"Federal law limits the information that Columbia can release about Mr. Obama's time
A spokesman for the university, Brian Connolly, confirmed that Mr. Obama spent two years
at Columbia College and graduated in 1983 with a major in political
He did not receive honors, Mr. Connolly said, though specific information
on his grades
is sealed".
As a result, Obama gives only hollow economic speeches full of rhetoric, but showing a
understanding of alternative economic policies that might be argued applied in a period of
chronic high unemployment and high deficits. Not surprisingly, Obama is completely
on advisers who are repeating the same mistakes that the Japamese did in the 1990s,
thnking that
monetary policy and very low interest rates would make a difference. he studied political
and international relations at Columbia.
At best, we are risking the experience of the Japanese. At worst, if fiscal spending
is curtailed,
we are risking a 1937-1938 Stock Market Crash, when FDR backslid towards fiscal austerity
and balancing a budget with 20% still unemployed.,.
See TigerSoft's Blog "The Limits of Monetary
Policy" February 5, 2008
Deflationary Spiral Is The Biggest Danger Now" October 23, 2008
"Lessons of
Japan Stagnation: 1990-2003" February
25, 2009
"The Real Obama
Will Protect Wall Street, not Main Street"
From FDR's 1932 Innaugural
Speech A " of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment. And yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered, because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. True, they have tried. But their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit, they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They only know the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy, the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men. Recognition of that falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing. Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, and on unselfish performance; without them it cannot live. Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This Nation is asking for action, and action now. Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing great -- greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our great natural resources.... We must act. We must act quickly. |
Obama is down to 40% approcal in the polls because he can offer the millions of
who are economically siffering no good reason to vote for him. He offers no picture
a better future for all Americans, because he has none.
Obama could GUARANTEE EVERY ANERICAN A JOB, but he does not. He is too afraid
of being labelled a "socialist", no matter that most historians believe FDR
saved capitalisn
from itself.
The Baltimore
Sun writes today:
"If ever there was a time for a massive federal job-creation program akin
to those of the early New Deal, this is it. Indeed, projects such as road building,
parks improvement and a range of other public works are going forward under
the Obama stimulus package, but somehow they're escaping wide public awareness".
Pathetically, Obama is too shallow, too without backbone and too economically ignorant to
do justice to his own extremely modest program of public works. In the most
issue of the times - JOBS, Obama is an utter failure as a leader. He offers no
no vision of a better future. no higher understanding of social relations in a complex,
interdependent world. .
Things could be vastly different. If people had jobs, they would have hope.
Their spending
would be an economic boost to others. The government would even het its money back,
because people had jobs again and could pay the IRS what they owed. FDR saw this.|
He offered a sweeping "NEW DEAL". As a result, FDR's Democrats got even
bigger majorities
in 1934.
Why would anyone vote for Obama, except that Republicans all seem still to be believers
in Herbert Hoover's response to the Depression: cut back government spending, deregulate
Wall Street further and call meetings of big bankers to the White House so that they could
offer soothng lies about the future and the need to not interfere with the natural order
of things,
so that the weak would be punished while the strong would somehow thrive.
U.S. trade deficit rose 19% in June to $49.9 billion, its highest level since October
Comments on Yahoo about this: "The Fed is a criminal conspiracy. They should be raided by the
FBI and shut down.The Fed is a criminal conspiracy. They should be raided by the FBI and
shut down.
JFK tried to print $4 billion in US Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes. Six months
he was dead in Dallas".
"Time to stop making decisions based on delusions and bad
economic theory. Time to raise
the taxes on the wealthy of this country and the big corporations - and not just to the
under Clinton, which just happen to be the most productive 8 years in American history,
back to the levels of the 50s and 60s when the American engine of productivity out
the world. Today, the country with one of the highest tax rates in the world is one of the
productive economies in the world, is coming out of the recession faster than any other
and now has one of the lowest unemployment levels - Germany... the Germans modeled their
economic policy on the post WW II United States. Too bad we didn't learn the same
8/7/2010 For
Ptofit Schools under GAO and Congressional investigation.
Proposals to cut down federal student
grants and loans at for PROFIT education programs.:
"The Obama administration
released a proposal that would tighten for-profit colleges access to federal
student aid, threatening growth in the industry that received $26.5 billion in U.S. funds
last year.
The proposed rules released Friday by the U.S. Department of Education would link U.S.
aid eligibility at Carmel-based ITT Educational Services Inc., Apollo Group Inc., Career Education
Corp. and other education companies to former students salaries and debt repayment
rates. The rules
may cut off access to federal student grants and loans at about 5 percent of all for-
profit education
Very Poor quality education at a high
price! Private Schools Rip-Off
Taxpayer and US Government.!
Will For-Profit Colleges Make Us Forget Subprime
Don Bauder | Published
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Diego's local weekly newspaper, The Reader, should have been using TigerSoft.
was wrong a week ago. All someone trading APOL has to do is trade
the trend
of the blue Tiger Professionals Closing Power and watch the automatic Buys and Sells.
APOL's prices are heavily rigged by Wall Street Professionals. This
parasitic manipulation of prices is shameless.. But TigerSoft levels the playing
8/6/2010 Long-Term Term Chart Head and
Notes for Compaing 1925 when Florida Land Bubble Broke
and 2010
8/6/2010 Russian Wheat Crop Failure, Dust Bowl,
Fire. Record Heat and Smog.
of the worlds wheat exports will be out of business for two years.
Global Warming? Sun Spots? Monoagriculture?
Comparisons with America Dust Bowl of 1930s seem appropriate.
Some blame sun spots for cycles of aridity, but dust bowls are mostly the end result of
degradation of the soil by man. It is a world-wide phenomenon. Short-term
gains but long-term losses.
See fir example - David
Alexander, "Natural Disasters" The feedback from gradual loss of vegetation
is all
bad: decreased rainfall, heat, wind, loss of top soil and more aridity. (pp 238-240)
Years of poor agricultural practices and record heat take a deadly toll:
Same crops year after year.
Thin top soil
Cutting down of tress and natural vegetation
No irrigation.
Falling Water Table
Western water tables drop and rainfall decreases, we should ask if the U.S. will be a
desert in 50 years?
Up 100 since our 7/27/2010 mention
8/5/2010 Jobs,
Jobs, Jobs - from TigerSoft's Hotline.
"It can't be said that this is a jobless
recovery. July produced an estimated 42,000
more private sector jobs, but US manufacturing jobs fell by 6,000 and big businesses
(more than 500 workers) could not manage any more jobs in July. "
Presumably, big corporations were too busy finding
cheaper workers overseas.
"The bears are looking for a much higher number, which they think will make the
market tumble." But the truth is that this is a
rigged market rally. Fighting the
Feds combined with Wall Street professionals and the Obama Administration
has been a losing proposition.
See our TigerSoft Blog 12000 or Bust: The
Financial Power Elite's Biggest Gamble.!
"The continuing weakness in housing stocks with interest
rates this low must
be profoundly unsettling to the FED. They will be most reluctant to raise
And that will likely prop the market up for a while longer."
8/4/2010 BOYD's
GAMING STOCK - If their gamblers only
knew about TigerSoft.
See how to unravel the way Boyd's stock is rigged and should be traded.'
"Boyd Gaming Corporation
(NYSE: BYD) is a leading diversified owner and operator
of 16 gaming entertainment properties located in Nevada, New Jersey, Mississippi,
Indiana, Louisiana and Florida."
You can read the long and complicated
August 4, 2010 - Boyd
Gaming Q2 2010 Earnings Call Transcript
August 5, 1010 - BOYD GAMING CORP
Files SEC form 10-Q, Quarterly Report
or you can
use TigerSoft and watch the insiders and professionals. The charts
buys and sells make it pretty simple to make big profits. Trade with the
trend of TigerSoft's blue Pro-CLosing Power.
2008-2009 - BYD - TigerSoft Gain
= +2400%
Use Automatic Signals, Closing Power Breakouts and Breakdowns, Multiple Divergence Sell
2009 - BYD -
Automatic Signals, CLosing Power Trend-Changes and Multiple Divergence Sell S8
8/4/2010 Retail
Data: Americans remain cautious in July- See remarks on Deflation and VISA
on 7/28/2010
recovery falls to thrifty consumers- AP
Will MA (Master Card)
breakdown below support. Meanwhile traders would have made 180%
using the signals shown on the TigerSoft chart of Macy's.l
8/3/2010 A
lot of people viscerally hate Wall Street and big banks.
In so far as Obama is seen as siding with Wall Street, this is a big reason his popularity
is down to 40%.
Wall Street want to repair their image. The best way they can do this is to go up
That is what happened in 1988 after the 1987 Crash caused by computer Sell Programs.
I think the Fed, Obama and Wall Street have reached an agreement that includes Wall
eschewing short sales. This is good - short
selling should be much more strictly limited.
The Power Elite's
Biggest Gamble of All. They Cannot Afford to Lose.
That's Why The
Market Looks Like It Will Keep Rallying.
Wall Street io longer a key "partner with American Industry"... It has
become a "nearly omnipotent,
parasitic, self absorbed predator, which show(s)...little concern for investors, our
economy, and our
country. American corporations and their employees were increasingly viewed as nothing
more than
the chips in the daily poker game that Wall Street played with the American economy."
A few examples:
1. Enrons illegal manipulation of the energy markets"
2. Widespread sale of CDOs by such firms as Goldman Sachs, which was simultaneously
shorting and marketing these securities
3 Rating service fraud and lies to the public as a service to their Wall Street
4. Despite the public outcry and 21:1 opposition, most Comgressmen and Senators
readily bailed out Wall Street banks with a $700 billion TARP funding bill.
5. The dismantling of key legislation aimed at protecting the integrity of our financial
namely the Glass Steagall Act, which separated commercial banking from investment banking.
6. Regulatory complicity, example - SEC's suddenly permitting short sales on downticks in
Late June 2007, weaks before market topped out. SEC focus on high publicity cases of
insider trading like Martha Stewart instead of protecting the public from criminals like
7.Obama' financial team, Geithner, Summers and Bernanke, are the very same people that
the housing public, unregulated credit default swaps, over-extension of leverage and
of Wall Street. New regulations are a sham and a fraud constructed to make it appear the
Administration is on top of Wall Street.
"Geithner aims to calm Wall Street on
rules" from Yahoo Financial Message Board.
"@#$% Wall Street and GS. I don't want Wall Street
to be calm, Wall Street needs to suffer like every other American is suffering! They started this mess and they need to pay for it. These new rules were supposed to punish them not calm them! I don't care if it makes the market crash again or not, my money is pulled out of everything but shorting oil. So let the X&%!'s burn! " bravesfan22...30/Male Yahoo message. "I'm with you brother!!" "Our government cuddles them because they are also rich and that's why they only care about the rich. They are not a true cross-section of this country. They only represent the top 10% at most and make the rest of us swallow their unfairness like poisoned water. There are two countries within the same borders now. Us and them. Rich and poor. They drew the line in the sand we didn't. But it's up to US, real Americans that have to step up and enforce positive change for ourselves because they don't care about us. " Yahoo message |
8/3/2010 Countrywide
agrees to pay $600M to settle lawsuits- AP
settlement pays fraction to investors- AP
The soon-to-be criminal
case of Anthony Mozilla,
ex-CEO of Countrywide Financial.
TigerSoft's Blog
on August 2, 2007 showed folks how to find the best stocks like Countrywide to go short
June 5, 2009 - Countrywide's Mozilo
charged with fraud, insider trading by SEC
8/3/2010 Michael
Lind's argues that the American middle-class are becoming obsolete.
The very "richest few don't need the rest of us as markets, soldiers or police
anymore." If we were
smart, we would get out of America. The rich don't need us anymore as buyers or to work
for them.
As long as they can get cheap maids and greenskeepers from the illegal immigrant
the American worker has no place in their world. Increasingly impoverished and
Americans serve no purpose to them. So, they will keep shipping manufacturing jobs
out of the country/
(This is tongue and cheek, of course.).
8/2/2010 Obama's
going to give $30 billion to "Community Banks "Two weeks ago, President
Barack Obama declared an end to taxpayer bailouts when he signed a sweeping
overhaul of financial rules."
>Geithner and Summers got to Obama again, telling him not to scare Wall Street.
"Throw my banking
buds another bone, to show you didn't mean anything at all by your talk of 'fat cat'
bankers. We need
their money to run again. Ordinary people are never going to send you money like
All of this will undoubtedly boost the stock market and make the operative Peerless Buy B8
still more profitable. It may also abort the bearish head and shoulders pattern that
has been
menacing chartists all Summer 2010..
spending by wealthy weakens, so does economy" Do the rich
really have
that such control? Yes - in the absence of big governmental spending programs that
might pick
up the slack or set a higher national agenda, I would have to say YES. The extreme
of wealth now in the US means all of us are being held hostage by the very rich until they
get their
way.especially in the matter of taxes. The same extremes of wealth and poverty are
what created
the 1920s bubble and the 1900-1907 bubble, too. The truth is the rich have most of
the money.
They own a higher percentage since 1928! That proved very dangerous the next year.
are some links to explore: See also August 9, 2010 - Why the wealthy determine the economy
"PLUTONOMY" is a euphemism
"Consumer spending accounts for roughly two-thirds of
U.S. gross domestic product, or the value of
all goods and services produced in the nation. And spending by the rich now accounts for
the largest
share of consumer outlays in at least 20 years. According to new research from
Moody's Analytics,
the top 5% of Americans by income account for 37% of all consumer outlays
...By contrast, the bottom 80% by income account for 39.5% of all consumer outlays....The
panicked during the financial crisis and stopped spending. "
Read Skewed
Wealth Distribution and the Roots of the Economic Crisis If you exclude
ownership, which has been a steeply over-inflated asset, then the richest 1% own over 40%
of America;s wealth. "Our super-rich plutocrats, after
all, do not need more than five or ten
automobiles or five or ten homes each. This top one percent3 million
cannot purchase all the goods that the poorest 180 million Americans would be capable of
purchasing had our society a more equal distribution of wealth..."
Making matters worse..." the more skewed the distribution of wealth has grown
over time,
the more frantically has the economy been forced to create a growing array of consumer
mechanismssubprime mortgages, payday loans, more and more intricately structured
card debtin order simply to maintain its functioning."
(David Barber -
In June 2007, I warned readers that the maldistribution of wealth was the supreme cause
of the 1929 Crash and with wealth in America again as badly shared, a crash like 1929
should be of more concern.
1929 Crash: Could It Happen Again? Yes-
Absolutely." June 24, 2007
WARNING Obama is do nothing to change the extreme maldistribution in
America. By helping bankers and CEOs he is making a bad situation worse.
Under-consumption and lack of diamond makes no sense given America's
crumbling and outdated infrastructure. Sadly, tragically, Obama is setting the
for another Crash and more impoverishment of the rapidly growing number
of poor, underpaid and unemployed. His "wager on the wealthy" boost the
stock market to levels that cannot be sustained. The causes for the crashes
of 1907, 1929, 1937 and 2007
were all quite similar
1) wealth was too concentrated,
2) the rich panicked when over-priced stocks collapsed,
3) they stopped their discretionary spending,
4) working people did not have enough money to keep the
economy going,
5) corporations laid off their workers by the millions,
6) bank loans failed and credit tightened
70 the government refused to undertake massive public works
programs, even though public infrastructure needs were everywhere.
And what was worse, insiders on Wall Street knew they had created a bubble.
Worse still, they actively sought to destroy trhe economy and jobs, by selling
short all the way down, thus creating more panic and unemployment. In 2007,
the US SEC even made short selling easier. Wall Street ran the SEC!
Insider Trading? We have the evidence that
rich insiders were huge sellers
right at the top in 1929, 1937, 1987, 2000, 2007 and
August 15, 2007
The SEC Role in
The 2007 Market Crash
See also
Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
of wealth - Wikipedia,
"Financially speaking, there is a
great inequality in the United States. Over the last 30 years, while the
have been getting richer, the poor have been getting steadily poorer. One reason for the
growing disparity
between the rich and the poor is the fact that most new jobs that are created pay low
wages and often do
not offer retirement
plans " (Source:
How much do you have to have to be rich? McCain suggested a $2,000,000 net worth was
not quite there. Obama's actual policy priorities suggest he is in agreement.
If anything, his bank-subsidy
policies have favored the super-rich, those who make many millions a year. Having
continued to
bail out the biggest monopoly banks unconditionally,
he is now throwing $30 billion at "community
And again, rhetoric aside, Obama has done nothing to curb the greed of corporate
The unpleasant truth - unpleasant for us who do not believe there should be such gross
disparities - but certainly pleasant for those at the top as it lets them keep what they
have -
is that the rich largely control the political agenda in
America for the foreseeable future. Already they
control the jobs or the lack of them. who works, for how much, under what conditions and
who does not work. (Try starting a union where you work. You'll be fired and
The controls are indirect, too. The mainstream media tells us policy makers have no
choice but to
do the bidding of the wealthy. In the link above that got me started on this rant,
we are threatened
quite clearly.. The gist is: "Either let us keep our special tax breaks, or we
will make the economy much
worse by cutting back our spending.even more. This morning two talking heads on CNN said
the same
thing. I can only imagine what FOX must be saying.
This article is, of course, all hogwash. It
completely leaves out the FACT that the rich spend
a much lower percentage of their income (marginal or total) than
the poor or even the real middle
class do, The most middle class family in the US, using
median family income in 2007 - had a
total yearly income of $50,233. "Households in the mid
quintile, with a mean of approximately
one income earner per household had incomes between $36,000 and $57,657. Households in the
lowest quintile had incomes less than $19,178 and the majority had no income earner.[11]
The truth
is that Obama only wishes to raise the taxes on those with family incomes of more than
Only the very wealthy would have their taxes raised. The mainstream media would have
believe that a family making $221,000/year is in the middle class. That would only
be true if they
had been unemployed for, say, five years and had no exhausted all their savings.
Remember how ECON 101 talked about marginal consumption
being much higher for a poor
person than for a rich person.) If maximizing consumption in this terrible economy
was really their goal.
these news services would be advocating doubling or tripling social services' payments.
But the
media is too saturated with propaganda about how lazy the poor are. Even though the
truth is most are working, just very underpaid. Many must hold 2 or even 3 jobs to
make ends
barely meet..
8/1/2010 Chevron 2Q income triples on higher energy prices
New to Stock Trading?
(1) Start with a big cap stock like CVX
whose optimum trading is short-term. Its lower beta and extreme
volatility will get you used to the ups and downs of the market with less psychological
(2) Use TigerSoft's automatic Buys and Sells and the breaks in Tiger's
Professional-Closing Power
Lines. Draw simple trendlines and use our rules, which are equally simple and we
will be happy
to explain, if you contact us. The fully automatic TigerSoft system of signals is unique.
So, also, are its key
indicators of INSIDER and PROFESSIONAL buying and selling. In the chart below the
biggest paper loss
for the signals was 8.1%. . There were 23 gainers and 9 losses. Trading
with the trend of the Closing
Powers trends would have reduced the number of losses.
(3) Pick the stock in the DJIA whose best trading system produces the highest gain among
the DJIA-30,
say, by trading. Right now AA's best system has gained more than 100% in the last
year, buying and
selling short. It chart is below CVX's.
JULY 2010
7/31/2010 Compassionless
Millionaire Senate Democrats Pick on the
Poorest of the Poor.
Who are these Senators? 40 million Americans, more than 13% of the US population now
food stamps. The only people who get food stamps have less than $3000 in assets.
that's not much! That;s a 10 year old Ford, for example. Why are the greedy so stingy.
They should read the short story, "The
Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde "Only in the garden of
the Selfish Giant it was still Winter. The birds did not care to sing in it as there
were no children,
and the trees forgot to blossom "
Class war on the working poor has a long tradition in the Senate.
"The founders of the US
Constitution were afraid of democracy, "mob rule"
and an urban and bloody French Revolution in the US. They were mostly wealthy
land owners, many of whom had hundreds of slaves. "The people" were not to
trusted. They should be given the appearance of representation to lull them
acceptance of the status quo. But political leaders in the US should be strictly
from the ordinary people. That was the purpose of the Senate. "
> Readers, already know I don't hold the US Senate in high
regard. 12/11/2008
- Plutocratic US Senate ...
7/31/2010 Insider Trading Charges against Charles and Sam Wyly and worth
$2.2 Billion.
If true, it just goes to show that these people believe you can never rich enough!
Almost 80, why would they commit securities fraud? It is a sickness and a symptom of
a very sick society.
Or does the SEC only go after big Republicans donors? When will they look into Rubin
of CitiGroup?
Dallas brothers become SEC fraud target
7/30/2010 Citigroup
settlement shows low cost of lying
to markets
"The news that Citigroup will pay a $75 million
fine to settle charges that it misled investors
about its exposure to the subprime market is a stark reminder that despite all the
hullabaloo about
reforming the financial system, we've done very little to address the lack of transparency
in our
major financial institutions. In 2007, Citigroup (NYSE: c) told investors that it
had just
billion of exposure to the market for subprime home loans. It bragged, in a number of
that it had responded to an increasingly rocky housing market by reducing its exposure
from $26 billion.
,,,The paltry fines paid by Citi and
two of its executives should be a reminder to investors and creditors:
the potential rewards for financial shenanigans are great, while the likely costs are
Surely, this lesson won't be lost on the Wall Street executives charged with explaining
quarterly earnings."
Blog and News Service - One Million Shares Sold by Ribin and CitiGroup at the top! ...
"CitiGroup Showed Massive insider
selling in 2007...
Shareholders should be "mad as hell."
CitiGroup 2007
CitiGroup 2008
See also TigerSoft
Blog and News Service - 9/21/2008 - Monopoly Finance Capitalism Is Out of Control
Contact us for a current graph.
>Having studied North Dakota's State owned bank,
I would like to find some alternative
to the big NY banks. In that vein, I like what Chris wrote:
The best remedy will be the elimination of banking as we know understand it. With the
digital age,
standing banks have become passe and the economy is reeling from the effects of not
leaping into
this new understanding for capitalism. People and businesses should be able to borrow
from the Federal Reserve System, through ATM's, than through 1000's of banks that are now
essentially superfluous. Capitalism without these banks will increase the use and flow of
money that
outpaces the loss of the jobs associated with the current banking system. Imagine
borrowing money
at 0.25% interest. The Fed Reserve still makes money and the consumer has found a new way
borrowing untold amounts. The spending of these untold amounts will outweigh the loss of
the jobs
in the banking sector. A new platform for a new type of popular party should state as its
that the loss of the current banking structure, and direct borrowing through ATM-type
from the Federal Reserve System directly (person or business) would encourage trillions of
of purchases through seemingly ungodly low interest rates. What do you think?
7/30/2010 Moody's threatens the US, as well as the English Language..
".(T)he spread between 10-year notes and 30-year bonds neared
a record wide (sic), reaching 109 basis
points, which analysts said pointed to worries about United States' long-term
credit-worthiness after a
Moody's Investors Services sovereign analyst told Dow Jones Newswires the U.S. government
needs to
elaborate a credible plan to address its soaring debt in order to maintain its Aaa credit
"A lot of individuals at the fixed income side are really nervous about the recent
compression in yields," said
William Larkin, a fixed income portfolio manager in Salem, Massachusetts. "There's a
danger here when
you're under 3 percent (in the 10-year note yield). We
really need to have a long-term sizable decline
in the economy and a very low rates (sic) for an extended period for that
to make sense."
But Who Trusts Moody's, Anyway?
Not me anymore? We've see in the matters of bundled mortgages that
their "AAA"
ratings wete easily bought. (See - Moody's
Internal Corruption Detailed June 21, 2010). They
did whatever the biggest banks told them, too. They wanted the money the banks would
them for giving a high rating to make them easier to sell.
And when it came to Greek national debt, they were months behind the curve, seemingly
playing the role of the last guest at a short party, namely coming just when the
early-birds are
8/11/2010 - Nill Black, a former federal regulator during the Savings & Loan Scandal
says that,
the continued reliance on lawyers, appraisers, rating agencies and auditors ensures these
professionals will remain the most valuable allies to the frauds. (See: Bill Black's 'Alternative' to Rating
"Get Rid of Them")
Moody's Insiders Sold at Top in 2007 -
They Knew The Awful Truth.
They Knew The AAA Ratings They Were Giving Our Were
A Lie. They suspected the
housing bubble was breaking and that this would bring a financial collapse.
7/29/2010 Mortgage
rates hit low of 4.54 percent "making homebuying (sic) and
refinancing the most attractive
in decades for those who can get loans."
>My earlier sense of this was that the FED had been supplying big banks with
an abundance of
money, which the banks were using to buy US Treasuries, rather than making business and
loans.. But look at the chart below. The Yields on Ten Year Treasuries are now in a
steep decline.which professionals are buying. Why? Who
is buying them? What do they know ahead
of the crowd? What does this mean for the stock market?
10-Year Treasury Yields in 2009-2010
A puzzling sentence follows in Yahoo's "report:
"Yields on U.S. Treasury bonds have
dropped as jittery investors seek
safer investments." Yahoo
seems to be saying that US Treasuries are not considered
safe. WOW!
Is this journalistic hyperbole? Let's hope so. The Dollar has weakened as
interest rates have fallen.
That is normal. The TigerSoft chart of the Dollar below shows the value to currency
traders of our
automatic Buys and Sells. Also look at the blue Tiger Closing Power. Professionals
did not bid up
the Closing Power on the April run to a new high by the Dollar. Our best CP Sell
comes when the CP
uptrend-line is broken after such a non-confirmation (NC).
Is the Dollar about to collapse? If that were true, gold would be
stronger. I think the problem
is DEFLATION. Housing prices may even start sliding again. Demand
from home buyers
who have sufficient credit to borrow meeting the banks very high standards is very low.
Relying on banks to extend credit seems a mistake given the poor economy, but that is
what the system demands. There has to be a better way, with so many people homeless.
Here are some housing stocks that TigerSoft trades very well. Just taking the automatic
and Sells and entering long positions at the next day would have gained a trader a lot of
BZH +259% 10 winning trades 1 losing trade.
BHS +262% 11 winning trades 1 losing trade.
7/28/2010 "Deflation and
"Depression." These are two words you do not want to hear
in the same sentence. They describe the worst of all economic worlds.
And they may lie
ahead for Americans, judging from the recent drops in consumer confidence, consumer buying
and the turn downwards by oil and gold, two key measures of inflation..
Tiger charts show this looking at the stocks of
(1) Visa and Master Card - a
measure of consumer buying;
(2) USO - Crude Oil - a
measure of energy and transportation use
(3) Newmont Gold - Gold rises when investors afraid
and when
they expect inflation ..
All three are on the verge of serious breakdowns and BEAR watching..
Here is the take on things by the the Austrian-Swiss
"Gold Standard is everything" promoters.
They are right about one thing. That Milton Friedman's "Monetary-Policy-
is everything" was wrong. Bernanke and the Fed have printed trillions
that the banks can borrow for essentially free. So, money supply is
up enormously, but so are nemployment, foreclosures, hoomelessness
and grinding, desperate poverty and despair. The banks would rather
play the stock market and buy government bonnds than give "velocity"
to all this Fed money by making consumer, home or even business loans.
"Velocity" measures of how quickly money
exchanges hands, i.e. is
spent or loaned (or perhaps, stolen - in the case of banks) loaned.
See Why
Low Velocity Is Our Fundamental Economic Problem
...I disagree, by the way, that this is the fundamental economic problem.
I would put more more emphasis on:
1 Maldistribution of Wealth,
2 the wholesale export of manufacturing jobs,
3 the wastefulness of a War Economy,
4 the inefficiencies of a crumbling public infrastructure
Schools, roads, mass rapid transit, bridges, water systems...
5 the wastefulness of allowing 10%-15% of the population be unemployed
6 the cowardly subservience of political leaders to narrow corporate agendas.
But the table gives the FED's Velocity.numbers and they
do show its policies
are producing "money stagnation", to coin a phrase.
Year.Quarter Velocity
2006 III 1.94
2006 IV 1.92
2007 I 1.94
2007 II 1.92
2007 III 1.94
2007 IV 1.92
2008 I
1.87 (red sshows declining.)
2008 II 1.87
2008 III 1.84
2008 IV 1.74
2009 I 1.69
2009 II 1.68
2009 III 1.68
2009 IV 1.69
2010 I 1.71
7/28/2010 Maybe Al Gore knows more than Dick Cheney.
Record heat is destroying Russian and Ukraine "Bread Basket"
drought sends US wheat surging above $6/bu
About 20 percent of Russias wheat crop has been lost to the
extended heat. ..
.See 4/9/2009 - TigerSoft Blog "Riots, Famine
and Hoarding"
7/27/2010 Surely, there must be
more intelligent way to fight terrorism.
Congress today approved by a 3:1 margin $33 billion more for Obama's Afghanistan war.
It used to be wars were conducted only when the country was thoroughly united.
Certainly the War in Viet Nam ended that. Without such unity, accusations of treason
are sure to be heard more and more. Did people in 1953 feel the Korean War
was worth fighting? 55%
said "NO" in April 1953. The truce that Eisenhower brought
about was just what people wanted.
For a moment consider the consequences of giving instead, $1,000 to each of the
25 million who are unemployed plus the 10 million who are on employed but
get food stamps. They would immediately spend all the money in the US, not 12,000 miles
The merchants who make these sales would make some extra money. They would, in turn
spend it. This multiplier
would bring a $100 billion stimulus to the economy.
7/27/2010 Wikileaks
founder fears he will be arrested . Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010
provided opponents of Obama's Escalated war in Afghanistan
with details of a lot more civilian deaths and Pakistani perfidy than was previously
known. The previously secret documents were made public by American soldiers
who believed it was time for Americans to see the futilty of nation-building AND
fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. SHADES OF THE PENTAGON PAPERS.
The hubris of American Presidents is matched by their clear ignorance of basic history.
If the Soviet Union,
right next door, could not defeat Moslem rebels there, what makes anyone in
the Pentagon think they
can. Someone there shouldget them to read a little British
Imperial History. First
Anglo-Afghan War: 1839-1942 Seconf
Aghanistan Britain War 1878-1880
coet garrison, preparing to launch a mortar
7/28/2010 Massey
Energy reports $88.7M Q2 loss
7/27/2010 Blankenship, CEO of Massey
Energy complained to National Press Club of
about mine safety laws and regulations being too stringent. How many more miners
must die in his mines before he is personally held accountable. Methane
levels spiked before W.Va. blast?
29 miners killed.
7/27/2010 40
million Americans are now on food stamps.
3 million more are
expected in 2010. And why are unemployment accounts always in percentages?
Answer because the number of unempoloyedm by any count, is greater now than
the 25 MILLION people who were out of work in 1932. 61% of Americans
now live paycheck to paycheck. How long must the unemployed wait for a job?
According to Harvard
Magazine, 66% of the income growth between 2001 and 2007
went to the top 1% of all Americans.
10/16/2010 - See TigerSoft Blog Unemployment's
Real Story.
April 7, 2008 See TigerSoft Blog Insiders Are Betting Outsourcing Will Continue
Strongly in US.
7/27/2010 Make money from
Insider Selling before bad news,
The Dodd-Frank whistle-blower award will allow people who give information to the
to collect rewards that can amount to up to 30 percent of the recovery from the resulting
SEC case.
Use a lawyer and you can remain annonymous.
7/27//2010 9-mile lake vanishes in a day
7/27/2010 Public spending on infrastructure creates jobs and increases
consumptions immediately.
Instead both Bush and Obama allowed banks to get trillions in public funds, with no
requirement that
the banks would make loans.
7/26//2010 Alex
Rodriguez beaned by a fast ball. Must leave game.
7/26/2009 See TigerSoft's
GS would have lost billions if AIG had
TigerSoft's - Jul 23, 2010 ... Goldman Sachs: The Greed Connection between Wall
Street and Washington
JUST SOME OF TIGERSOFT's BLOG TOPICS Google these subjects and the word TIGERSOFT How To Make Your Retirement Plan Grow in All This Mess. Investing in A Perfect Storm Use Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1915-2010 Explosive Super Stocks - Insiders Always Know Short Selling for Profit and Self-Protection Finding The Best Short Sales - Insider Selling: The Cases of Robert Rubin, Killinger of WAMU... Years That End in Zero - Will 2010 Be Different? Dollar Weakness - Strong Market (2007, 2009) Dollar Strength -- Weak Market (2008) Dollar Strength ... Market Strength (2010). FOREX Trading using TigerSoft is easy & profitable What Has US Capitalism Morphed Into? Exxon and Goldman Sachs - Corporate Ideals or Greed's Spawn? Vastly Over-Paid CEOs - Greed and The Power Elite What Do They Do To Justify Such Pay? Answer: They Take Big Risks with Others' Money Consequence: Boom and Bust Crony Monopoly Capitalism Oil Patch ... Internet Bubble ... Housing Bubble... US Stock Market 2009-2010? Exxon and Goldman Sachs - Corporate Greed's Spawn? Outsourcing and The End of American Manufacturing So Typical - Radio Shack's Sad Decline. Insiders and Crony Capitalism Insider Buying Insider Dumping Hedge Fund Collapses Crony Capitalism New Heights of Corruption in Washingotn Federal Reserve and The Market: 1952-2008 The POWER ELITE - Goldman, the Fed and the White House. The Power Elite's Biggest Gamble: 12000 or BUST? As Predicted, 1929 Could and DID Happen Again? 2007- Top in Chinese Market Lessons of Argentine Peso Collapse Media Blackout on Bush Impeachment Resolution Technicals and Market Cycles Stock Market History - Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1915-2010 Gold Cycles, Periodicity andUnreported Insider Skort Selling The Risks of Strong Openings and Weak Closings False Breakouts - Short Sellers' Focus. Confirmed Head and Shoulders Patterns Presidential Election Year and Markets Presidential 4-Year Cycle Years That End in Seven Hyperbolic Commodity Charts. Running in The Shorts - This Is Fun! Increasing Maldistribution of Wealth Cause for 1929-1933 Bear Market Cause for 2007-2009 Bear Market What Obama Means for the Market? Socialism for Wall Street Just How Many Years Must Unemployed Wait for Full Employment? Obama - Puppet for Wall Street Socialism So Many Obama's Campaign Promises Have Been Broken: Obama's Anaemic Job Program, Public Hea;th Isnurance Option, Bringing White Collar Criminals To Justice Ending Torture Ending Illegal Government Wire-Tapping on Americans Obama Blocks Re-Regulation of Wall Street Obama's World View -"Trickle Down" Obama - Government is NOT a Source of Legitimate Jobs Congress - "The Best That Money Can Buy" CPI Stats and Unemployment Data - What A Croc! Spineless Obama meets Spineless Nancy Pelosi Checks And Balances or Gridlock? Permanent US War Economy in US Peace is Bullish, too. Bull Markets: 1945-1950, 1954-1962, 1963-1965, 1975-1976, 1993-2000 Bush Learned Nothing from The War on Viet Nam Obama Embraces Pentagon's Priorities and Perspectives How Can We Afford This? We Can't When, if Ever, Will There Be Peace and a Peace Dividend? Georgia - Obama lets Brezinski Take Us Back to the Cold War Tell Me Again: "Why Can't We Visit Cuba?" Bush's Blackwater Buddies, Let Us Not Forget The Turkish Genocide of Armenians Bush's Blackwater Buddies, Let Us Not Forget The Turkish Genocide of Armenians TOO BIG TO FAIL SHOULD MEAN TOO BIG. Socialism for Wall Street's Rich - Obama's World View -"Trickle Down" Obama - Government is NOT a Source of Legitimate Jobs Carlyle Group --- Too Connected To Fail Goldman Sachs --- Too Connected To Fail CitiGroup --- Too Connected To Fail Bank of America--- Too Connected To Fail Angry Bear Stearns Investors Prediction - WAMU will not make to 2009 Running in The Shorts - This Is Fun! How Can We Trust Paulson? Geithner? What's The DIfference? Helicopter Ben's TRILLION DOLLAR WAGER with YOUR MONEY. The Limits and Dangers of FED Monetary Policy SEC Is in Collusion with Insiders like Goldman High Powered Short Sellers...Insider Selling Insider Selling's Profile - Northern Rock (UK) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Street's 'Dirty Little Secret' Even Million Dollar Salaries Are Not Enough for CEOs! "Cooked Books", Lies... Over-Leveraging... Obfuscation... Reckless Business Practices... Some CEO's Will Do Anything To Get Their Obscenely High Bonuses. Bush's SEC Has Failed Investors. Unreported Insider Buying and Selling Are The Norm, Commonplace and Rampant!" The Scandals of ImClone, Enron, Arthur Andersen, Health South,, K-Mart, Martha Stewart, Merrill Lynch, Qwest, Jack Grubman of Smith Barney, Tyco, US Technologies, World Comm are the tips of the ice berg. They have just whetted the appetites of Corporate CEOs, Presidents and Board Members. Some history, lest we forget. "Fortunately, savvy TigerSoft can readily spot what Big Money and Insiders are doing with their own money. It is only when we buy when they buy and sell when they sell, altogether disregarding what CEOs say, that we can make some real money." This site is informational only. To start using TigerSoft to see what the insiders are doing real-time and to see more current examples, please go to |