TigerSoft AI Bulge Buys on
Weekly Charts 3/8/2010 Study 17 of 20 brought gains of more than 15%, usually much more. Where the Buy occurred after a long advance, there was much more likelihood of a loss or a pullback for 3-6 months before a profit could be obtained. Examples: AKS, AZO (2) But not always. Examples: A, AAPL, ABX, AMAG, AUXL (5) Where the Buy occurred in a base or not much above price levels from a year ago, the AI Bulge Buy was most reliable and also produced much bigger gains. Examples: A(2nd instance), AA, AAPL (2nd instance), ACL, ADBE, AEM (2 cases), AIV, AKS, ALXN, ARST, ATI, ATVI (12) Apparent failures when not over-tended: AES (1) |