TigerSoft AI Bulge Buys on Weekly Charts 
                                       3/8/2010 Study
      17 of  20 brought gains of more than 15%, usually much more.

      Where the Buy occurred after a long advance, there was much more likelihood
      of a loss or a pullback for 3-6 months before a profit could be obtained.
      Examples: AKS, AZO  (2)  
      But not always. Examples:  A, AAPL, ABX, AMAG, AUXL (5) 

Where the Buy occurred in a base or not much above price levels
       from a year ago, the AI Bulge Buy was most reliable and also produced
       much bigger gains.   Examples:  A(2nd instance), AA, AAPL (2nd instance),
       ACL, ADBE, AEM (2 cases), AIV, AKS, ALXN, ARST, ATI, ATVI (12)

       Apparent failures when not over-tended: AES  (1)
A.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AA.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AAPLW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
ABXW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
ACLW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
ADBEW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AEM.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AES.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AIV.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AKSW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
ALXN.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AMAG.BMP (1920054 bytes)
ARSTW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
ATIW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
ATVIW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AUXLW.BMP (1920054 bytes)
AZOW.BMP (1920054 bytes)