Major TigerSoft Buy Signal Combinations:
(C) 2014 William Schmidt, Ph.D. 8/17/2014
We always take notice of the more powerful major
Tiger Buys: B10, B12, B20 and B24. In combination, they
are more powerful than when appearing individually.
There are 12 combinations: B10-B12, B10-20...B24-B12,
B24-B20. Our new Explosive Super Stocks has explored
the power of each of these combinations. (The report
on this will be posted Monday for purchasers of this
on-line Book.)
As one would expect, these Buys typically launch the
biggest advances, especially in the early stages of
of a bull market.
Near the end of a bull market, they must be approached
more cautiously. Here I develop some rules for trading
these Najor Buy combinations at this stage in the market
I suggest using Closing Power hooks to buy and watching for
red high volume churning and reversal days down at the
upper band to sell. This approach gives many good trades
and should help us avoid most of the dangerous surprises
biotechs sometimes bring. In this regard, we want also
to watch for head/shoulders patterns and we want to heed
Closing Power divergences and trends as well as Accumulation
Index (IP21) weakness.
I like B10-B12-B20s. The first shows a breakout above
well-tetsed resistance. The second shows intense accumulation.
And the third shows that take-off velocity has been reached.
B24s remind us that the more bulges of Accumulation there are,
the tighter is the hold by bullish insiders of the stock's
Because, B20-combinations show "take-off" strength, we see
below that they are less likely to bring convenient pullbacks
to the 21-day ma. This may affect our tactics a little.
Trading Rules for Major Buy Combinations
Note stocks under $1 should not be considered here
"ma" = 21-dma unless otherwise stated.
This explores the success traders would have if they
waited after seeing a combination TigerSoft Buy until
the stock then fell back below its 21-dma and then
saw the Closing Power turned up. This assumes that
there was no head/shoulders price pattern, that Closing
Power was not in a long-term downtrend and the IP21
was not negative or nearly negative and falling rapidly.
Selling is assumed to be done when then price bar turns
red showing high volume at the upper band and there is
a RD (reversal day) downward.
Biotechs - 2014
Biotech Stocks 2013-2014
(BIOTECH.exe from
Buy B10-B12
BDSI H/S ...CP rules worked well.
Buy B10-B20
CYTK . CP rules worked well
XOMA - CP rules worked well.
Buy B10-B24
Buy B12-B10
ENTA ...CP rules worked well
NBIX ... head/shoulders voids profitable CP trade.
SGMO ... CP rules worked well.
Buy B12-B20
IMMY ... CP rules worked well
INSM ... head/shoulders cancels buy at ma on CP hook up.
STEM ... cancelled because of Closing Power downtrend.
Buy B12-B24
FOLD ...CP rules worked well.
RLYP ...CP rules worked well.
Buy B20-B10
GEVA ... CP rules worked well.
ISIS ... CP rules worked well.
JAZZ ... CP rules worked well.
Buy B20-B12
HSKA ... CP rules worked well
PBYI ... No Pullback.
Buy B20-B24
IG ... CP rules worked well.
NPSP ... Head/shoulders cancels nuy at ma on CP hook up.
Buy B24-B10
Buy B24-B12
Buy B24-B20
BOTA CP rules worked well
VRTX head/shoulders voids quick buying on pullback.
Combination Buys of Biotechs: 2014
2014 BDSI B12-B10-B20 (Simultaneous)
1/24/14 9.41 - sidewise until Mid May - 7/9/14 13.94 (red RD at UB)
Trading using CP worked well.
Note head/shoulders. This should cause us not to buy on
next CP up on a decline to the MA. Instead watch for CP downtredn-break.
Next CP hook up after CP trend-break was at 8.47. Buy there.
Sell on Red high Volume RD at upper band at 13.06.

2014 BOTA B24-B12 Good. 5.49 to 6.94 red high volume at upper band.
Next CP hook up at ma - 4.93 - 6.94 high

2014 CMXI B24-B20 Bad (under 50 cents)
2014 CYTK (Simultaenous) B10-B20 Good 9.58 to 12.99
Next CP hook up at 65-dma - 8.75 - 12.0 (Red high vol at upper band).

2014 ENTA B12-B10-B20 38.14 --> 27 --> 46.14 (June high)
Next CP hook up at ma - 28.28 - --> Sell 39.35 Red high volume churning,
CP falling and IP21 nearly negative.
2014 FOLD B12-B24 Good 3.34 --> 4.44 (now)
Next CP hook up at ma - 3.76 --> 4.44 (now)
2014 GEVA B20-B10 (also B12 and B24 a day or two later) 92.62 to 118.42
Next CP hook up at ma - 90.63--> 114.51 (churning at upper band)

(2014 GOVX Simultanous B12-B20-B24 0.57 tp 0.95 intra-day)
2014 HSKA B20-B12 Good 8.95 ---> 13-14 Red High Volume at Upper Band.
Next CP hook up at ma - 8.70 --> 12.19 (red high vol. at upper band with falling IP21)

(2014 IBIO Simultaneous B12-B20 0.64 to 0.84 intra-day.)
2014 IG Simultaneous B20-B24 Good 2.93 ---> 5.73 (Red high volume RD at UB)
Next CP hook up at ma - 2.96 --> 5.73 (Red high volume RD at UB)

2014 IMMY B12-B20 (and later B10) on 8/11/2014 8.00 - Now 7.97
Now decline to MA and CP hook upwards.

2014 INSM B12-B20 Bad -- on 7/9/2014 19.07 - 13.18
Development of Head/shoulders warns to wait for CP trend-break to buy.
Buy on CP trend-break on 8/13/2014 at 13.09 Now 13.18
2014 ISIS B20-B10 Good - 50.95 to 59.00 (red high volume warning at upper band)
Next CP hook up at ma -49.41 --> 59.00 (Red high volume RD at UB)

2014 JAZZ B20-B10 Good - 146.84 - 174.98. (red high volume warning at upper band)
Next CP hook up at ma -153.10 -->162.08 (Red high volume RD at UB)
2014 NBIX Bad - Simultanous B12-B10 (also B20) 19.15 - 19.65 amd back to 13.
Next CP hook up at ma - 16.91-->15.50 (head/shoulders)

2014 NLNK Good B20-B10 - 35.02 - 50.40 (red high volume followed by RD)
No pullback to ma for 2 months.

2014 NPSP BAD B20-B24
Severe IP21 NNC. Don't be in a hurry to buy on CP hook back upwards.
CP downtrend-break Buy at 25.65. Sell on red high volume RD at upper band at 32.29.

2013-4 PBYI Good B20-B12 99.85 (Also B10-B24) -> 139.92
No early pullback to 21-dma

2014 PBYI Good B24-B20 233.43 --> 252.72 PM 8/15/2014
No early pullback to 21-dma
2014 SGMO Good Simultaneous B12-B10-B20 18.88 => 23.35
Next CP hook up at ma - 19.14 -->23.35 (red high volume churning at UB, RD and CP

2014 SNMX Good B20-B10 (6 weeks later) 7.94 --> 11.03 (red high volume at UB, CP NC, IP21 NNC)
No early pullback to 21-dma

2014 STEM Bad B12-B20 Bad (Note steadily declining Closing power)
Primarily a short covering rally.

2014 TKMR Good B20-B10 (6 weeks spearation) 16.52 to 38.02 (Red high volume RD down at UB)
No early pullback to 21-dma
Note head/shoulders.
Don't be in a hurry to buy after a head/shoulders top.
2014 VRTX Bad B24-B20
50% one-day jump! Head/shoulders quickly develops.
Best to avoid...
2014 XOMA OK B10-B20 8.17 to 7.01 to 9.44
Buy on CP hook up after decline to ma - 1/29/14 7.65
2014 RLYP Good B12-B24
Buy on CP hook up after decline to ma - 2/7/14 32.46
Sell on red high volume RD at upper band at 46.05
