TigerSoft's Unique and
Original Tools To Spot Insider Trading.
In the stock market, we compete with some pretty
cut-throat people. They are no
longer effectively regulated by the SEC. So, if you want to do well over time,
use TigerSoft and see what their intentions are for your stocks. Here we
illustrate the use of the best indicators which I have invented for this purpose since
Every day we see the truth of the propositions that "Insiders always know"
professionals are apt to know long before the broad public finds out.
Not for nothing do we say: "TigerSoft's unique technical
trading tools will give
you virtual access to the gilded board rooms on Wall Street."
Tiger's Accumulation Index,
Opening Power,
Closing Power and
Day Traders' Tool
Closing Power is very
important. It needs more attention.
simplest approach: watch for its trend-breaks. Here are recent
charts of Gold and Silver.
Gold ------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------- Silver

Crude Oil - Weekly Accumulation
What happens to crude oil is of great significance to holders of
gold and gold
stocks. A steep rise on crude oil brings inflation. When there's
inflation investors
seek to buy gold as a hedge
against their paper money declining in value.
TigerSoft's weekly chart of crude oil shows very high and steady positive (blue)
accumulation for much
of the last 5 years,
especially since last April. This represents heavy institutional buying. The
decline is therefore most
likely a temporary shakeout. We reach this conclusion because "big money"
is in crude oil.
They are not apt to be wrong. They are apt to be strong holders. And they are
apt to
buy more on the current
decline. So, while crude oil is dropping now, it is not likely to stay down.
And if it starts up
again vigorously, Gol will rise, too.
Crude oil is being talked down in the Presidential political campaign. Both
are saying they
will seek to make America much more independent of foreign oil. They have
said they would
want more off-shore drilling to take place in the Gulf states and along the
Atlantic coast.
This jaw-boning is having an effect on crude oil.
Weekly Crude Oil - "CL1600" = perpetual contract for crude oil
50% retracement yields a downside target of 100.

Crude Oil - Daily
Accumulation ("CL1600" = perpetual contract for crude oil)
We like to buy on new highs when the previous levels of Accumulation are
generally very positive and the current level is above +.25. These are readily
by our Tiger-Power-Ranker. This works with daily and weekly charts.
After a long run upwards, it's usually a good idea to take profits when the stock
drops below the 50-day ma and the Tiger Accumulation Index is negative. These are
Sell S29s. They are flagged and the signal appears on the chart. If you are a
user, view the Help Section for more examples.
Crude Oil - Daily Accumulation - IPA Indicator
IPA is an indicator that is similar to our Accumulation Index.. Cross-overs after a
advance are usually good sells.

NEM - Newmont Mining. The five year, weekly chart of
NEM, Newmont, shows a stock that
has spent
most of this timing rallying and falling back. In all this, the channel is rising.
Accumulation Index shows no steady pattern of Accumulation (big money buying)
Distribution (big money selling).

Newmont Mining. The next chart, a one-year daily chart of
NEM, Newmont, shows a bearish
head and
shoulders top pattern that was formed from November to February. This price pattern
was made
more bearish by
the presence of steady red Distribution during most of this period.
tagging the upper
band with the TigerSoft Accumulation Index negative constitute a reliable sell.
The bearishness
of this pattern prompted me to do a full report of NEM on
2/14/2008. The conclusion
reached was
that the stock was spending far too much money fighting environmental law suits and
public officials. If Gold ever started declining, they would probably lose money.
costs were rising faster than the price of gold.
NEM and OBV - On-Balance-Volume
recently the stock has formed another bearish head and shoulders top. The tagging of
the upper
band was
too quickly reversed in late June. Now the stock is breaking down with red big-money
distribution. The breakdown will probably bring a test of the year-long
support at 44. There is
technical problem. Look at the pink trendline for the stock's
OBV. This is a measure of
buying and selling. It is is a downtrend. Since it usually takes ample
aggressive buying
to push a
stock up past overhead price resistance, the stock will probably have trouble rallying.

NEM and TigerSoft's Opening
Power and Closing Power
The openings in stocks are advertising for the
public. The general public is more
likely to place orders in overnight for the opening. A sequence of rising openings
the broader public is actively buying the stock. It can be shown over and over
the less informed general public is more emotional and more likely to be wrong
most stock than informed professionals. What professionals think about the
is indicated by the trend of the TigerSoft Closing Power. A falling trend is
bearish, even when openings tend to be higher. Almost always, the stock will fall
the TigerSoft Closing Power breaks its uptrend, as in early June in NEM's case.
When using TigerSoft's Closing Power take note of its readings and trend when
the stock reaches the upper band. The January price peak at the upper band occurred
with the TigerSoft Closing Power lower than what it was on the November peak.
This is a bearish Closing Power non-confirmation of a new high.

NEM and TigerSoft's Day
Traders' Tool
Day Traders' sentiment is normally a good
measure of a stock's internal strength.
closely this tool for trend-breaks. The TigerSoft Day traders' Tool is currently
When that trend is broken the stock will be a good trading buy.
Use this tool in
with the trends shown by TigerSoft's Accumulation Index and Closing Power.
Doing this,
your rate of trading successes will rise significantly, especially it you have been making
because they simply felt right. Emotions are predictable to professionals. And
who are emotional are "played", and thus are proven wrong most of the time.
FCX - Freeport-McMoran - Copper and Gold
Weekly Accumulation Index to conform new highs.
Weekly data requires Dial Data
subscription $50/mo) and Procomm for Windows (about $50).

FCX - Use TigerSoft Closing Power To See What Professionals Expect of Stock
Openings are very deceptive. Closings show the real balance of power between
professional buyers and sellers. Breaks in the uptrend-line of Closing Power,
when a Peerless Sell signal operates, should be used to sell.

Use TigerSoft's Day trader's Tool To See What Professional Day Traders
Expect the Stock To Do.
Buys - When the TigerSoft Day Traders' Tool breaks its downtrend, significant pressure
comes off the stock and it is apt to rise. See February 2008 below.
Sells - Having failed to make a new high in June, the break-down by the TigerSoft
Day Trader's Tool below its uptrend line was distinctly bearish, especially in the context
of Peerless showing a major Sell on the general market.
PAAS - Pan American Silver - See if you can
apply these concepts to this stock's TigerSoft charts.
Do you see the bearish head and shoulders top patterns? Do you see the falling
Closing Power trend? The Opening Power's rise showed the public was bullish
at the wrong time. Day Traders have been preponderantly bearish PAAS since
November 2007..

The head and shoulders price pattern with heavy red distribution on its right side
to the same bearish conclusion.

PAAS - TigerSoft Day Traders' Tool has been falling since November.
Break-downs by it to new lows could have been used for profitable short-sales..

- Silver Standards - See if you can apply these concepts to this
stock's TigerSoft charts.
Do you see the bearish head and shoulders top patterns? Do you see the falling
Closing Power trend? The Opening Power's rise showed the public was bullish
at the wrong time. Day Traders have been preponderantly bearish SSRI for
many months.
TigerSoft's automatic red Buys and Sells work best when the direction
of the signal is supported by the internal strength readings. The February and May
red Sells worked well for short sellers because the Accumulation Index readings
were (red) negative as the upper band was reached.

TigerSoft's Closing Power's
Trend Usually Sets Direction for Stock

Professional Day Traders Are Usually Right.