wpe15E.jpg (1914 bytes)  TigerSoft New Service    TigerSoft Blog  - 4/26/2011

                      AND BRAZILIAN STOCKS

                             Using PEERLESS STOCK MARKET TIMING: 1915-2011

                                  Simply super-impose the automatic Buys and Sells from Tiger's
                    Peerless Stock Market Timing onto the charts EWZ (Brazil), ILF (Latin America),
                    EWW (Mexico).

                                      Mexico   -   $1000 becomes $99,947 in 15 yrs.
                                        Brazil - $1000 becomes  $47,094 in 10 years. 
                    Latin America  $1000 becomes  $25,042 in 9 years       

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     wpe1B0.jpg (2631 bytes)  TigerSoft Makes The Stock Market Simple, Easy Safe  Profitable!    

                                        Simply super-impose the automatic Buys and Sells from Tiger's
                    Peerless Stock Market Timing onto the charts EWZ (Brazil), ILF (Latin America),
                    EWW (Mexico)
              EWZ (Brazilian ETF) -  26 Peerless Trades since 2001,   
            Avg.Gain= 21.2%/trade.  
$1000 becomes  $47,094 in 10 years. 


          ILF (Latin American ETF) 24 Peerless Trades since 2002,   
   Avg.Gain= 18.4%/trade
$1000 becomes  $25,042 in 9 years

           EWW (Mexican ETF) 35 Peerless Trades since 1996,    
            Avg.Gain= 17.7%/trade.   
$1000 becomes $99,947 in 15 yrs.
Results conservatively do not include dividends
               and assume 2% for slippage/commissions
               per round-trip trade. 

             Results are as of 4/21/2011. No Sell signal occurred there. 

         EWZ (Brazilian ETF) 26 Peerless Trades since 2001,   
            Avg.Gain= 21.2%/trade.   $1000 becomes  $47,094 in 10 years. 

              Peerless Automatic Buys and Sells
                   Produce Very Big Profits
  for A Trader of EWZ, the ETF for Brazilian Stocks


Trade                    Dates                   Signals                  EWF              Pct. Gain                    $1000

1             3/ 23/ 1     BUY            14.3          4.1%           1021 
1             5/ 17/ 1     SELL           14.9
2             9/ 19/ 1     BUY            9.33          38.3%          1393 
2             2/ 26/ 2     SELL           12.91
3             7/ 24/ 2     BUY            8.35         -32.3%          916 
3             10/ 15/ 2    SELL           5.66
4             11/ 13/ 2    BUY            7.04          24.7%          1125 
4             1/ 6/ 3      SELL           8.78
5             1/ 22/ 3     BUY            7.8           81.2%          2017 
5             10/ 15/ 3    SELL           14.14
6             11/ 3/ 3     BUY            14.3          20.6%          2392 
6             2/ 11/ 4     SELL           17.25
7             5/ 18/ 4     BUY            13.14         29.3%          3047 
7             9/ 2/ 4      SELL           17
8             10/ 14/ 4    BUY            18.3          20.1%          3601 
8             12/ 28/ 4    SELL           21.99
9             4/ 21/ 5     BUY            22.45         106.9%         7379 
9             5/ 5/ 6      SELL           46.45
10            6/ 15/ 6     BUY            35.35         10.6%          8018 
10            6/ 30/ 6     SELL           39.12
11            7/ 18/ 6     BUY            36.8          20.8%          9529 
11            1/ 5/ 7      SELL           44.47
12            3/ 2/ 7      BUY            43.84         55.6%          14639 
12            7/ 17/ 7     SELL           68.22
13            9/ 25/ 7     BUY            71.25         10.5%          15897 
13            10/ 15/ 7    SELL           78.8
14            11/ 14/ 7    BUY            83.85         2%             15901 
14            12/ 6/ 7     SELL           85.55
15            3/ 7/ 8      BUY            80.78        -6.5%           14562 
15            3/ 24/ 8     SELL           75.59
16            7/ 8/ 8      BUY            81.76        -2%             13993 
16            7/ 23/ 8     SELL           80.2
17            9/ 15/ 8     BUY            57.8          8.9%           14960 
17            9/ 22/ 8     SELL           62.95
18            10/ 8/ 8     BUY            37            2.2%           15000 
18            10/ 21/ 8    SELL           37.84
19            11/ 21/ 8    BUY            29.36         37%            20264 
19            1/ 6/ 9      SELL           40.25
20            1/ 21/ 9     BUY            35.14         2.2%           20314 
20            1/ 29/ 9     SELL           35.93
21            2/ 17/ 9     BUY            36.4         -6.1%           18680 
21            2/ 27/ 9     SELL           34.2
22            3/ 12/ 9     BUY            36.66         52.7%          28151 
22            6/ 9/ 9      SELL           55.98
23            6/ 23/ 9     BUY            50.7          46.9%          40809 
23            10/ 21/ 9    SELL           74.51
24            11/ 9/ 9     BUY            77.04        -2.7%           38891 
24            11/ 13/ 9    SELL           74.96
25            1/ 22/ 10    BUY            67.97        -1.3%           37638 
25            6/ 16/ 10    SELL           67.14
26            6/ 30/ 10    BUY            61.83         27.1%        $47094 
26            4/ 21/ 11    SELL           78.6
                            N= 26  Avg.Gain= 21.2%   $1000 becomes  $47,094

                      Peerless Automatic Buys and Sells
                   Produce Very Big Profits
               for A Trader of ILF, the ETF
                for Latin American Stocks


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                  ILF (Latin American ETF) 24 Peerless Trades since 2002,   
                                  Avg.Gain= 18.4%/trade
                       $1000 becomes  $25,042 in 9 years


Trade                 Dates                   Signals                    ILF                    Pct. Gain                  $1000
1             7/ 24/ 2     BUY            7.43         -12.1%          859 
1             10/ 15/ 2    SELL           6.534
2             11/ 13/ 2    BUY            6.938         12.5%          950 
2             1/ 6/ 3      SELL           7.81
3             1/ 22/ 3     BUY            6.98          50.4%          1410 
3             10/ 15/ 3    SELL           10.502
4             11/ 3/ 3     BUY            10.7          16.2%          1610 
4             2/ 11/ 4     SELL           12.436
5             5/ 18/ 4     BUY            10.57         19%            1884 
5             9/ 2/ 4      SELL           12.58
6             10/ 14/ 4    BUY            13.28         20%            2224 
6             12/ 28/ 4    SELL           15.944
7             4/ 21/ 5     BUY            16.244        95%            4293 
7             5/ 5/ 6      SELL           31.688
8             6/ 15/ 6     BUY            24.956        9.5%           4619 
8             6/ 30/ 6     SELL           27.344
9             7/ 18/ 6     BUY            26.088        25.5%          5708 
9             1/ 5/ 7      SELL           32.75
10            3/ 2/ 7      BUY            32.28         41.5%          7967 
10            7/ 17/ 7     SELL           45.7
11            9/ 25/ 7     BUY            46.442        9.8%           8590 
11            10/ 15/ 7    SELL           51
12            11/ 14/ 7    BUY            50.94         4.3%           8794 
12            12/ 6/ 7     SELL           53.172
13            3/ 7/ 8      BUY            49.85        -2.2%           8431 
13            3/ 24/ 8     SELL           48.79
14            7/ 8/ 8      BUY            50.98        -1.5%           8144 
14            7/ 23/ 8     SELL           50.262
15            9/ 15/ 8     BUY            38.89         7.6%           8601 
15            9/ 22/ 8     SELL           41.85
16            10/ 8/ 8     BUY            26.55         0%             8435 
16            10/ 21/ 8    SELL           26.57
17            11/ 21/ 8    BUY            21.56         34%            11138 
17            1/ 6/ 9      SELL           28.9
18            1/ 21/ 9     BUY            24.95         1.2%           11049 
18            1/ 29/ 9     SELL           25.25
19            2/ 17/ 9     BUY            25.1         -6.9%           10076 
19            2/ 27/ 9     SELL           23.39
20            3/ 12/ 9     BUY            24.94         44.5%          14363 
20            6/ 9/ 9      SELL           36.05
21            6/ 23/ 9     BUY            33.08         41.2%          19993 
21            10/ 21/ 9    SELL           46.71
22            11/ 9/ 9     BUY            47.78        -1.2%           19368 
22            11/ 13/ 9    SELL           47.24
23            1/ 22/ 10    BUY            44.33         2.5%           19478 
23            6/ 16/ 10    SELL           45.47
24            6/ 30/ 10    BUY            41.42         30.5%         $25,042 
24            4/ 21/ 11    SELL           54.08
     N= 24     Avg.Gain= 18.4%/Trade     $1000 becomes  $25,042
       BRAZIL ETF  - EWZ - 2006
                    Peerless Buys and Sells Superimoposed.

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Brazil ETFs

  • iShares MSCI Brazil ETF (EWZ). EWZ is the largest non-U.S. single-country ETF with $9 billion in assets under management. The fund covers mostly large-cap stocks and includes some of Brazil’s most prominent name brands.
  • Global X Brazil Mid Cap ETF (BRAZ). Recently launched, BRAZ is the first ETF that tracks mid-cap Brazilian companies. Mid-caps are focused on internal consumption, whereas large-caps have more ties with the global economy.
  • Market Vectors Brazil Small-Cap ETF (BRF). Brazil’s small-caps have proved to be steady and substantial performers while the global markets faltered with recent short-term events. BRF has a 30% weighting in the consumer sector and less than 1% in energy. The composition of BRF is a stark contrast to EWZ.
  • EGS INDXX Brazil Infrastructure ETF (BRXX). BRXX includes 30 stocks that are involved in the development and maintenance of Brazil’s infrastructure.
  • ProShares Ultra MSCI Brazil (UBR). UBR “seeks daily investment results, before fees and expanses, that correspond to 200% of the daily performance of the MSCI Brazil Index.”
  • ProShares UltraShort MSCI Brazil (BZQ). BZQ is a 200% inverse ETF. It should be noted that the fund is best used for short-term moves and tracks the daily movements of the underlying index.

                                   Latin American ETF  - EWZ - 2003
                    Peerless Buys and Sells Superimoposed.
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                           Save The Amazon Jungle
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