Use TigerSoft's Accumulation Index and Buy Signals
To Find The Strongest Stocks
in the Strongest Industry
Just before They Double,
Triple, Quadruple or More.
---- Tiger Index of US Coal Stocks
This chart shows steady (blue) accumulation by big money.
It is now out=performing by the DJI
by more than 50% over
the last 50 trading days. And
today, the index made a new
high on bullish (red) high volume.
I have delayed putting this study together because
I wanted subscribers to have the
best chance to buy these
stocks at lower prices. For
our current opinion on them
you will have to subscribe to get
our software and analysis
services. See

They say there's always an uptrend somewhere. Look at
the list below of coal stocks making new highs. I look
at the list of new highs
and lows each day. What stands out right now are the number of bank stocks
making new lows and the number of coal stocks making a new high. Today, at
least. nine coal stocks made new highs. We are long many of them and short
many of the weak bank stocks. Our Automatic Buys and Sells are part of the
story. Bulges of Accumulation and insider buying are a very big part of how
we succeed in finding the best stocks. We are also constantly comparing industries.
When you have a lot of confidence, you can profitably buy low priced stocks, like GEIC
below and hold confidently the stock that go roaring from one new high to another.
Our research goes back a long way. Let us show you what we know or let us find
these stocks for you.
========================= GEIC - GEOTEC ===============================

ANR Alpha Natural Resources

FDG Fording

FCL Foundation Coal Holdings

ICO International Coal

JRCC James River Coal

MEE Massey Energy
NCOC - National Coal

PCX Patriot Coal

PVA Penn Virginia

The gains in coal stocks are almost as good as some of the hottest oil and and gas stocks.
Here are the
best performing coal stocks over the last 3
months. (In our Tiger Data base, you will find these
these stocks under INDMATER and HOTSTKS.)
Geotec Inc |
345.78% |
James River Coal Co |
124.99% |
Songzai Intl Hldg Group In... |
115.45% |
Alpha Natural Resources In... |
101.48% |
Patriot Coal Corp |
101.36% |
Massey Energy Company |
68.90% |
International Coal Grp Inc... |
61.90% |
Fording Canadian Coal Trus... |
60.51% |
National Coal Corp |
40.92% |
Yanzhou Coal Mng Co Ltd |
32.71% |
Chinese coals stocks are also doing well.
The Fundamentals Remain Very Bullish
Coal Stock prices
are surging with steeply higher coal prices.
This, of course,
reflects the booming global demand, especially
in developing
markets such as Asia and the Middle East, for
coal for energy
and in the making of steel. The demand for
coal has been
magnified by natural disasters and infrastructure
bottlenecks in
coal exporting nations like China and Australia.
"Just in the
last year, the price of benchmark metallurgical
coal from
Australia used by Asian steel makers has tripled
to $300 per
metric ton. And spot prices for Appalachian
coal used
for electricity generation have more than doubled
to over
$100 a ton from about $40 a ton in the last six months...
shipments, much of which will go to Europe, will grow by
a third to
79 million tons in 2008."
makers are booming, too. That creates a tremendous
demand for metalurgical coal. We have long recommended
a Brazilian steel company. When you see steel stocks
strong, check out the coal stocks!

Another part of the story about King Coal is how
coal can now be turned unto cleaner energy. As gas prices
leap upwards, modern technology is finding better ways
to turn dirty coan into clean natural gas. "Necessity
is the mother of investion." Nazi Germany ran its tanks
on liquified fuel made from coal. The US has more coal
reserves than any other country. The research efforts
born of the 1970's energy crises are now being applied.
See -
There are even cheaper, renewable alternatives to
even coal that may come on stream if Washngton is
willing to push them. See
It's Time for Energy Conservation!
We will watch with great interest what the Presidential
candiadtes have to say about this. Obama's emphasis
on nuclear power is very disappointing. So far, none
of the candidates have talked about promoting public
transportation, a national 55mph speed limit,
banning wasteful gas-guzzling, dangerously
vision-obstructing (SUV's) car-trucks and how much
ending the US wars in Iraq and Afganistan would save
the US in the way of gas and energy consumption.

2008 Ford Expedition EL
King Ranch 4X4
The Sierra Club Lets Folks
Name The New 19' FORD SUV.
The Sierra
Club recently had contest to name its new
Guzzler. The "Ford Valdez" is leading in the contest.
"Ford is now building a new 19-foot, four-ton "super tank"
sport utility vehicle which
will guzzle enough gas to make Saddam Hussein smile. But they don't have a name for it.
So as a public service, Sierra Club held a contest to help Ford "NAME THAT GAS
"The truck in question is Ford Motor Company's largest and most gas guzzling sport
vehicle ever. Dubbed by one entrant as a "suburban assault vehicle", the new
truck weighs
in at over 7,500 pounds and stretch 19 feet in length. It is the biggest sport utility
on the road, dwarfing both the Ford Expedition and the Chevy Suburban. It will emit more
global warming pollution than two average cars.
""Its basically like a garbage truck which dumps into the sky," said Daniel
Becker, Director
of the Sierra Club's Global Warming and Energy Program. "Ford typically markets these
vehicles as the best way to enjoy the great outdoors. But the truth is this truck is the
Camel of the auto industry."
"The more gas a vehicle guzzles the more pollution it emits. A 14 mile per gallon SUV
spews 70 tons of carbon dioxide, the primary global warming pollutant, over its lifetime.
Gas guzzling also means more oil drilling and more reliance on OPEC. More fuel efficient
vehicles are the biggest single step to curbing global warming and saving oil.
"The Sierra Club naming contest was held on the organization's global warming web
Web surfers who visited the site offered humorous and ingenious names and slogans
for the behemoth vehicle. Sierra Club leaders from across the country combed through
the hundreds of entries to pick the winner(s)...
"The Ford Valdez - Have You Driven a Tanker Lately?" ...
"The Ford Exploiter - Profiting from the destruction of your planet!"
"The FordZilla - Powerful enough to pass everything on the
-- except a gas station."
"The Saddam - the truck that will put America between Iraq and a hard
Honorable Mentions:
- The Ford Extinction - The truck to end the human species.
- The Titanic - Something so huge just waiting to crash and burn.
- The Ford Dinosaur - The mark of extinction!
- The Ford SPV - All new super polluting vehicle!
- The Ford Stogie - The ultimate smokestack!
- The Ford Carcinogen
- The Ford Chermobyle
- The Ford Guzzler
I know some of you think that I am picking on Ford.
Well maybe. But the
last three cars I have bought have been Fords. I buy American cars because
they mean American jobs.