McCain Won't Honor Vets with A New GI
Shades of Herbert Hoover
McCain, like Bush, is against a
GI Bill for servicemen and women serving in
Iraq and Afghanistan. They say it will cause
too many in the military to leave it and go and
get their degrees, rather than re-enlist. The
military, they say, cannot afford to be so
What shameless tripe! McCain wants ample cannon fodder
for the quicksand of Iraq and who knows what other
stupid ground
war he may want to start. Don't they read their
history books?
The new GI Bill that they oppose would be like the
one enacted
for veterans of World War II. That proved to be
one of the best
and wisest investments in the country's human
potential ever.
The cost over 10 years is estimated to be $52 billion.
This is 1/60th of the cost of the war Bush has forced
on the nation.
It is the least the nation could do after putting
these men and
women in harm's way for a cause so dubious and
McCain and Bush either don't care how hard times are now
for military families, or they just don't care.
Bush's Iraq war
has caused so much suffering and hardship. From
forced extensions
of duty to record rates of suicide and head injuries.
the Bush-McCain
Iraq war strains the lives of families all across
America. The least
these mean spirited killers for no cause but greed
and pride
could do is to amply repay the trust shown by
American soldiers
in their mis-leaders selfish, greedy unjust
War Hero? Or just Another spoiled, isolated jerk? He
commanded a squadron in the Navy, but in peace-time.
How does
crashing 3 Navy planes before he went ti Vietnam and then
shot down in one make him qualified ot be President?
Such were
the questions of General
Wesley Clark on June 29th.
McCain claims to be a "war hero." How heroic is it to drop
10,000 pound bombs from 40,000' on civilians?
That is exactly
what he did in Viet Nam, another stupid war
about which Americans
were lied to. Read the Pentagon Papers
before you complain
about my language. I have read every page
of the edition
put out by the New York Times, which Nixon
tried to suppress.
It's my belief that if Bush had been a foot
soldier in
Viet Nam or read the Pentagon Papers, instead
of driving
around drunk and snorting cocaine, he would
have thought
long and hard about foisting another ground war
on trusting
American troops.
McCain was nearly at the bottom of his Naval Academy
class. Another C- President?
"No thank you!" Just like
Bush he is ready to bully and fight,
rather than talk and
use diplomacy. McCain's life
has isolated him from everyday-
people as much as Dubya's. Except
for his years in North Viet Nam,
all McCain has known is security, from
the socialized medicine
the military offers its officers to the
care free existence of
being married to a heiress worth $100
million. While, I believe
Bush is a certifiable sadist, McCain has
a very dangerous rage

"I've Earned the Right to Screw the
McCain and Bush are on the far
Right. The new GI Bill is sponsored
by Republicans Hagel
(R-Nebraska and Warner (Virginia.) McCain's
opposition to this new
GI Bill disgraces all American vets. His stubborn
stinginess shows he is
a throw-back.
McCain reminds me of Herbert Hoover. Hoover had General
MacArthur forcefully
breakup the peaceful demonstration by
unemployed World War I
veterans who came to Washington with
their families in the
midst of the Great Depression to try to get their
"Adjusted Service
benefits" immediately, when needed so badly,
rather than have to
wait until until 1945, as then scheduled.

Shacks, put up by the Bonus Army on the Anacostia flats, in Washington, D.C., were
burned by Patton' and MacArthur's troops sent out by Republican Herbert Hoover.
McCain's Age Is A Big Problem
McCain will be 72 in August. He will be halfway to
73 when he is sworn
on January 20, 2009. That would make him the oldest first-term President ever,
years older than Ronald Reagan. He has survived four skin cancers (melanomas),
one in 2000 that was classified as Stage IIa. Statistically, he risks
22% of Americans over 70 are affected by mild cognitive impairment,
while 13% over 65
Alzheimer's. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 83, but early
were evident during his first term. McCain has never had an Alzheimer's test.
it is significant that he can't remember the number of homes he owns. Here are the
signs to watch for if he becomes President.
Memory loss. (With politicians, this is normal.)
Difficulty performing familiar tasks. ( McCain's wife won't let him drive.)
Problems with language.(He speaks clearly I think. It's what he says I fault.)
Disorientation to time and place. (He did speak of the "Czechoslovakia: which is long
Poor or decreased judgment. (Self-evident.)
Problems with abstract thinking. (Let's give McCain a math test.)
Misplacing things. (Like all his homes>)
Changes in mood or behavior. (McCain's mood swings are pronounced. See below.)
Changes in personality. (McCain has moved from crook Keating's supporter, to
to Bush defender.
Loss of initiative. (He's got energy, alright. Should he have a drug test?)

Is McCain Too Rage Prone To Be President?
By McCain's own admission, "At the smallest
provocation, I would go off into a mad frenzy and then
suddenly crash tot he floor unconscious. When I got
angry, I held my breath until I blacked out." If he
not get his way, he gets very angry, either to
his opponent or because he is so sure he is right.
Former Senator, Republican Bob Smith of New Hampshire
has said that McCain's tendency towards rage
would place this country at risk in international
affairs, and the world perhaps in danger."
Is McCain a dangerous hawk? At a rally last fall,
the tune of a Beach Boys' song.
Examples of McCain's severe rage problem:
Closed Senate meeting
"It was early 1992, and the occasion was an informal gathering of a
select committee investigating
lingering issues about Vietnam War prisoners and those missing in action, most notably
whether any
American servicemen were still being held by the Vietnamese. It is unclear precisely what
issue set off
McCain that day. But at some point, he mocked Grassley to his face and used a profanity to
him. Grassley stood and, according to two participants at the meeting, told McCain,
"I don't have to
take this. I think you should apologize."
"McCain refused and stood to face Grassley. "There was some shouting and shoving
them, but no punches," recalls a spectator, who said that Nebraska Democrat Bob
helped break up the altercation. Grassley said recently that "it was a very
long period of time"
before he and McCain spoke to each other again, though he declined, through a spokesman,
to discuss the specifics of the incident. "
Just mention his ties with Savings and Loan convicted swindler, Charles Keating, and you
will see
McCain's face redden and his fists tighten. That what "friendly" reporters
on the ordinarily
very conservative Arizona
Republic found out when they asked McCain about his wife's investments
with Keatings in a shopping center as well as the McCain's family trips to the Bahamas on
Keating's personal jet.
"The man who was known as "McNasty" in high school has
erupted in foul-languaged tirades
at political foes and congressional colleagues more-or-less throughout his career..."
A new
book by Cliff Schecter reports:
Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in
another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain
was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole
consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said,
"You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he
"At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop,
you cunt." McCain's excuse
was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United
McCain would have many long days."
On the Senate floor, straight talk like "Only an a-hole would put together a budget
like this"
(McCain to Senator Pete Domenici)
"F you. I know more about this than anyone else in the room" (McCain to Senator
John Cornyn during negotiations over immigration reform.) http://mat...othead.php
Senator Thad Cochran gave these worries wide attention back in January when
he remarked, "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine.
He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."
His former colleague in the Senate, Republican Bob Smith, says McCain is a nuttier:
"I have witnessed incidents where he has used profanity at colleagues and exploded
at colleagues ... He would disagree about something and then explode. It was incidents of
irrational behavior. We've all had incidents where we have gotten angry, but I've never
anyone act like that."
Former Congressman John LeBoutillier, another Republican, says this: "I think he is
unstable and not fit to be president."
"Basically everyone on Capitol Hill has been the victim of McCain's sociopathic
and many have the apology letters from McCain to prove it. "Nowhere is that
stronger than in the Senate, where McCain has few friends or supporters. In fact, when
McCain ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2000, only four Republican
senators endorsed him," writes the conservative website NewsMax.
When two Arizona medical doctors met with McCain to discuss a local endangered
squirrel, "He slammed his fists on his desk, scattering papers across the room ....
He jumped up and down, screaming obscenities at us for at least 10 minutes. He shook
his fists as if he was going to slug us."
Says another GOP colleague in the Senate, "I Didn't Want This Guy Anywhere Near
A Trigger."A furious McCain regularly throws F-bombs at his colleagues for no
apparent reason.
In 1995, at the Capitol, McCain had a "scuffle" with 92-year-old Republican
Senator Strom Thurmond. That's right, McCain tried to beat up the one person who
was even older than McCain himself.
"It was election night 1986, and John McCain had just been elected to the U.S. Senate
for the first time. Even so, he was not in a good mood. McCain was yelling at the top
of his lungs and poking the chest of a young Republican volunteer who had set up a
lectern that was too tall for the 5-foot-9 politician to be seen to advantage, according
to a witness to the outburst." http://won...nt-mcnasty
Quoted from
Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
said they have seen McCain explode. He has a huge
anger problem, Boxer said.
And he never hid that. ... I have seen it happen on the Senate floor many, many
He has exploded at me a couple times. Boxer said
McCain has always apologized
after the dust-ups. Nonetheless, she insinuated that McCains temperament makes him
unfit for the White House. Its all well and good to apologize,
Boxer added, but if
you are in charge of that black box, I worry about that.
McCain as Bully
McCain's use of bullying language is
very much like Bush's and Cheney's.
Bush called a NY Times writer "a major league ass-hole" and Cheney told
Senator Leahy to "fuck himself". I think we have had enough American
and belligerence for a while. I doubt if McCain's temper will ever be really taken
up very fully by the mainstream TV media. Without the actual words, which are
not allowed on TV, the message is weakened, even trivialized. Yet McCain has,
by all accounts, an explosive temper, and as President he will have near dictatorial
powers when it comes to matters of war and peace with other countries. This
should scare the stock market. It certainly scares me.