wpe1A8.jpg (1913 bytes)       TigerSoft New Service    4/23/2011  
  Make Money. Use TigerSoft To Track Key Insider Buying and Selling in All Your Stocks
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                 PEERLESS BUYS AND SELLS

     Brokerages Averaged +26%/Year since 1986
By William Schmidt, Ph.D.
                   wpe1B1.jpg (18862 bytes)
Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1915-2011 gives automatic
                Buys and Sells on the general market using the
                DJIA and various technical tolls Tiger has developed.
               The signals have been built, tested and optimized
               with market data back to 1915.  This study helps address
               the question, "What should we best buy and sell using Peerless?"

It has long been apparent that stocks in certain
                sectors make the best investments than stocks
                in others when Peerless gives a reversing Buy signal.
                The study of how well the different Fidelity Sector funds
                do when Peerless in on a operative Buy confirms this.
                This bigger study here of their performance to 2011
                at these times when Peerless is on a Buy starts in
                1986 when many of the Fidelity Sector funds began.
                The conclusions confirm and also extend what I have learned
                 in earlier studies of how Peerless Performance varies
                 by industry sectors.

                       I have studied 29 Fidelity sector funds.  These are the ones
                 that go back before the year 2000 and for which I could get
                 all the data needed using Dial Data.

                       Stocks of Brokerages usually made the best investments
                 as a group when Peerless goes from Sell to Buy.  $1000 invested
                 in this group, FSLBX, in 1986 would have become $340,200 on 2011,
                 assuming 2% per round trip trade for commission and slippage.
                 Dividends were not factored in.  Simply Buying when Peerless
                 gave an automatic Buy and Selling when Peerless gave an
                 automatic Sell and reinvesting fully all proceeds would grown as
                 shown in next table.

                       Other Select Funds that did very well were Technology,
                 Electronics, Computers and Oil Services.  Automotives have done
                 very well since 2008.  At the bottom were the "defensive" groups
                 Utilities, Agriculture and Gold.

                                                            7/9/86 - 3/23/11

                              1986             $1000
                              1990             $1416
                              1994             $3722
                              1998             $10,266
                              2002             $32,542
                              2006             $87,093
                              2010             $283,509
                              2011             $340,200  (This is about 26% per year)
                                               PEERLESS PROFITS: 1986-2011
                                       FSLBX - FIDELITY BROKERAGE
 1             7/ 9/ 86     BUY            12.9          1%
               8/ 12/ 86    SELL           13.03         $996
 2             9/ 11/ 86    BUY            12.22         21.2%
               4/ 6/ 87     SELL           14.82         $1180  
 3             5/ 19/ 87    BUY            12.07         4%
               6/ 8/ 87     SELL           12.56         $1205  
 4             6/ 22/ 87    BUY            12.9          1.3%
               8/ 26/ 87    SELL           13.07         $1197 
 5             9/ 4/ 87     BUY            12.47        -.1%
               10/ 1/ 87    SELL           12.46         $1172
 6             10/ 20/ 87   BUY            7.88          4.1%
               10/ 22/ 87   SELL           8.21          $1197 
 7             12/ 2/ 87    BUY            7.31         -12.4%  Big Loss
               12/ 28/ 87   SELL           6.41          $1026 
 8             1/ 8/ 88     BUY            6.62          7%
               2/ 26/ 88    SELL           7.09          $1078 
 9             3/ 25/ 88    BUY            7.08          5.7%
               9/ 6/ 88     SELL           7.49          $1119
 10            11/ 11/ 88   BUY            7.46          32.1%
               10/ 4/ 89    SELL           9.86          $1457 
 11            10/ 17/ 89   BUY            8.97         -5%
               1/ 2/ 90     SELL           8.53          $1356 
 12            1/ 23/ 90    BUY            8.25          6.4%
               7/ 12/ 90    SELL           8.78          $1416
 13            9/ 24/ 90    BUY            6.82          70.9%  Big Gain
               4/ 14/ 92    SELL           11.66         $2393
 14            8/ 21/ 92    BUY            11.58         59.8%  Big Gain
               2/ 3/ 94     SELL           18.51         $3778 
 15            4/ 5/ 94     BUY            15.44         .5%
               10/ 17/ 94   SELL           15.52         $3722 
 16            12/ 1/ 94    BUY            14.63         27.9%
               2/ 27/ 96    SELL           18.72         $4688 
 17            4/ 10/ 96    BUY            18.62         5.3%
               5/ 29/ 96    SELL           19.62         $4846 
 18            7/ 11/ 96    BUY            18.34         33.8%
               4/ 22/ 97    SELL           24.55         $6391 
 19            5/ 9/ 97     BUY            26.68         28.4%
               9/ 18/ 97    SELL           34.26         $8079
 20            10/ 28/ 97   BUY            34.36         29%
               4/ 21/ 98    SELL           44.35         $10266 
 21            10/ 1/ 98    BUY            28.26         56.1%  Big Gain
               6/ 18/ 99    SELL           44.14         $15830 
 22            10/ 4/ 99    BUY            40.39         19.6%
               12/ 10/ 99   SELL           48.33         $18625
 23            2/ 4/ 0      BUY            46.26         8%
               4/ 25/ 0     SELL           49.98         $19750 
 24            5/ 3/ 0      BUY            48.05         34.6%
               9/ 6/ 0      SELL           64.7          $26199 
 25            10/ 20/ 0    BUY            59.73        -1.3%
               12/ 8/ 0     SELL           58.96         $25337
 26            3/ 23/ 1     BUY            44.56         6.5%
               5/ 17/ 1     SELL           47.49         $26497
 27            9/ 19/ 1     BUY            34.5          21.5%
               2/ 26/ 2     SELL           41.95         $31689 
 28            7/ 24/ 2     BUY            33.46         4.6%
               10/ 15/ 2    SELL           35.03         $32542 
 29            11/ 13/ 2    BUY            35.68         10.3%
               1/ 6/ 3      SELL           39.36         $35247
 30            1/ 22/ 3     BUY            35.98         35.3%
               10/ 15/ 3    SELL           48.71         $47013
 31            11/ 3/ 3     BUY            48.74         11.7%
               2/ 11/ 4     SELL           54.46         $51591 
 32            5/ 18/ 4     BUY            46.62         2.2%
               9/ 2/ 4      SELL           47.68         $51732
 33            10/ 14/ 4    BUY            47.3          18%
               12/ 28/ 4    SELL           55.84         $60037 
 34            4/ 21/ 5     BUY            51.82         46.3%  Big Gain
               5/ 5/ 6      SELL           75.85         $86677
 35            6/ 15/ 6     BUY            66.14         2.4%
               6/ 30/ 6     SELL           67.78         $87093
 36            7/ 18/ 6     BUY            64.34         14.8%
               1/ 5/ 7      SELL           73.91         $98306 
 37            3/ 2/ 7      BUY            72.1          6.9%
               7/ 17/ 7     SELL           77.13         $103198 
 38            9/ 25/ 7     BUY            69.69         6.5%
               10/ 15/ 7    SELL           74.25         $107886 
 39            11/ 14/ 7    BUY            72.42         1.1%
               12/ 6/ 7     SELL           73.25         $106965
 40            3/ 7/ 8      BUY            56.04         5.4%
               3/ 24/ 8     SELL           59.09         $110647 
 41            7/ 8/ 8      BUY            48.47         5.8%
               7/ 23/ 8     SELL           51.3          $114895 
 42            9/ 15/ 8     BUY            46.03         5.6%
               9/ 22/ 8     SELL           48.65         $119137
 43            10/ 8/ 8     BUY            38           -3.9%
               10/ 21/ 8    SELL           36.53         $112145
 44            11/ 21/ 8    BUY            23.58         42.3%  Big Gain
               1/ 6/ 9      SELL           33.57         $157414
 45            1/ 21/ 9     BUY            28.26         3.3%
               1/ 29/ 9     SELL           29.2          $159502 
 46            2/ 17/ 9     BUY            29.22        -8.7%
               2/ 27/ 9     SELL           26.68         $142447 
 47            3/ 12/ 9     BUY            25.62         60.6%  Big Gain
               6/ 9/ 9      SELL           41.16         $226001
 48            6/ 23/ 9     BUY            38.41         32.8%
               10/ 21/ 9    SELL           51.04         $295794 
 49            11/ 9/ 9     BUY            49.42        -1.3%
               11/ 13/ 9    SELL           48.8          $286168 
 50            1/ 22/ 10    BUY            46.68         1%
               6/ 16/ 10    SELL           47.18         $283509 
 51            6/ 30/ 10    BUY            42.69         21.9%
               3/ 23/ 11    Study Ends     52.08         $340200 
               4/ 21/ 11                   52.95
 51 Total long trades
 $1000 becomes $340200, allowing 2% slippage per round-trip trade
 Average gain using Peerless Buys/Sells=15.5%
 Pct of winning trades=  86.2 pct
 1 trade resulted in a loss of fmore than 10%
 6 gains of more than 40%

                       Performance Thru 3/23/2011

                                                      Start    N      $1000         Yearly          Avg.              Winning         Pct of Trades
                                                                         Becomes       Gain       Gain/Trade       Trade Pct      Losses>10%
FSLBX Brokerage Inv Mgt       1986   51     $340200                         +15.5%          86.2%          1/51
FSAVX  Automotive                    1987    47   $105099                         +14.6%          74.4%            2/41
FSELX Electronics                       1986    51   $150474                         +14.3%          76.4%            3/51
FDCPX Computer                         1986    51  $133558                          +13.8%          76.4%           3/51
FSESX   Energy Services             1987   47    $81283                             +13.4%          77.5%           4/47
FSPTX  Technology                      1986     50   $110951                        +13.4%          76.4%           no big losses
FSAIX  Air Transp.                       1986    50    $114355                       +13.4%          76.0%           1/51 
FSCSX Software                            1986   51     $90913                        +12.6%          80.3%           no big losses
FSDPX  Select Materials            1987  49     $86967                        +12.6%          75.5%           no big losses
FSRFX  Transportation                1989   44     $59394                        +12.6%          79.5%           no big losses
FSHOX Construction & Housing   1987  49    $68828.                       +12.1%        77.5%            no big losses
FSCGX   Industrial Equipment         1987  49   $64964                        +11.9%            79.5%           2/51
FBMPX Multi-Media                       1986   51   $55586                         +11.5%          76.4%          3/51
FSRPX   Retailing                             1986   51   $55732                        +11.5%           74.5%         1/51
FIDSX   Financial Servuices          1986   51   $61598                        +11.4%           86.2%         no big losses
FSPCX   Insurance                           1986   51    $72925                      +11.4%            94.1%         1/51
FDLSX Leisure                               1986   51   $50011                        +11.0%           80.3%          1/51
FSHCX  Chemicals                           1986   51     $54039                      +10.8%           82.3%           no big losses
FSRBX   Banking                             1987    47    $28097                     +10.6%            73.4%          2/51
FSTCX  Telecommunications          1986  51    $39971                       +10.5%           82.3%           3/51
FSNGX  Natural Gas                       1994    37   $13980                       +10.4%           75.6%           2/37
FSDAX   Military & Aerospac         1986   51    $41931                     +10.4%           74.5%           1/37
FBIOX    Biotech                               1986    51    $28101                      +10.0%           76.4%          2/51
FCNTX   Contra Fund                        1986   51    $33793                     +9.7%            86.2%         no big losses
FSLEX   Environment & Altern Energy 1989  41    $16725              +9.6%             82.9%         no big losses
FSVLX   Home Finance                     1986   51    $20947                    +9.5%             72.5%          3/51
FDVLX   Investment Value                 1986   51    $29010                    +9.5%             86.3%           1/51
FSENX   Energy                                1986   51    $23536                           +9.4%             76.4%          3/51
FSPHX   Health Care                        1986   51    $14887                       +8.1%                74.5%          no big losses
FSCBX  Small Cap                           1998   31    $5286                        +8.0%               74.1%          no big losses
FSAGX    Gold                                  1986   51   $6168                         +7.6%             64.7%           10/51
FDFAX   Agriculture                        1986   51    $9810                          +6.9%             84.3%          no big losses
FSUTX   Utilities Growth                  1986   51    $5030                         +5.5%             74.5%           1/51


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