PEERLESS SELL S16s since 1970 

         There have been 6 S16s since 1970 based on multiple negatve divergences
         for the DJI's advance towards the 3% upper band in late December and
         early January.  These Peerless Sells would have always been profitable if
         the DJI was shorted on the S16s.   The average gain was +7.5%.  The average
         paper loss was 2.0%.  The biggest paper loss was 3.3%; so all shorts on the
         S16 would have been profitable.
                    Sell S16s: 1970-2020
No.    Date       Signal   DJI     Short Sale   Short Sale     
                                   Pct Gain     Paper Loss    Peerless Internals <1
 1     19700102   S16      809.7      5.6%      0.2%          P-I, IP21, V-I, OPct   
 2     19761229   S16      994.93     6.1%      1.0%          special case
 3     19810102   S16      972.78     4.2%      3.3%          P-I, IP21, V-I, OP 
 4     19900102   S16     2810.15     9.1%      0.0%          special case, V-I  
                                                              multiple NCs.
       Exclude cases for average computations
 5     19991229   S16    11484.66     12.9%     2.1%          P-I, IP21, V-I
 6     20131230   S16    16504.29     6.4%      4.3%          IP21 and V-I
 7     20151229   S16    17720.98     9.2%      0.0%          P-I, IP21, V-I, OP 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
                         Avg          7.5%      2.0% 
Present  20211228 S16                                         IP21, V-I, OP
DATZ1229.GIF (17888 bytes)
S166970.GIF (17439 bytes)
S167677.GIF (16200 bytes)
S168081.GIF (17692 bytes)
S168990.GIF (16176 bytes)
S169900.GIF (21484 bytes)
S161314.GIF (16773 bytes)
S161516.GIF (17359 bytes)
                 Program Code as of 12/30/2021
      For i = 70 To rn
        If mo(i) > 1 And mo(i) < 12 Then 45588
        If la(i) / ma(i) > 1.0045 And P(i) < -77 And newipxxx(i) < -.041 And pvv(i) < -500 
        Then 45454|
        If opma(i) > .001 And la(i) / ma(i) < 1.01 Then 45588
        If la(i) / ma(i) > 1.04 Then 45588
        If mo(i) = 12 And da(i) > 27 And pvv(i) < -240 And la(i) / ma(i) > 1.0105 
                                   And P(i) < -17 And newipxxx(i) < -.05 Then 45454
        If mo(i) = 12 And da(i) > 27 And pvv(i) < -145 And la(i) / ma(i) > 1.0045 
                      And P(i) < -1 And newipxxx(i) < .035 Then 45454
        chang65 = (la(i) - la(i - 65)) / la(i - 65)
            If mo(i) <> 12 Then 45588
            If da(i) < 29 Then 45588
            If pvv(i) < -400 And la(i) / ma(i) > 1.0045 And P(i) < -70 
                                     And newipxxx(i) < -.04 Then 45454
            If la(i) / ma(i) < 1.0215 Then 45588 '1.0215
            If la(i) / ma(i) > 1.0292 Then 45588
            If pvv(i) > 2 Then 45588
            If newipxxx(i) > .142 Then 45588
            AROCC = ((ma(i) - ma(i - 1)) / ma(i - 1)) * 250
            If AROCC > .6 Then 45588
            If chang65 > .155 Then 45588
45454        pi = i:   stsells16arrows (pi):   : s9(i) = 116: : ms(i) = 16:
45588     Next i
           For i = 70 To rn
            If mo(i) > 1 And mo(i) < 12 Then 55588
            chang65 = (la(i) - la(i - 65)) / la(i - 65)
            If mo(i) <> 1 Then 55588
            If da(i) > 2 Then 55588
            If la(i) / ma(i) < 1.0215 Then 55588
            If la(i) / ma(i) > 1.0292 Then 55588
            If pvv(i) > 4 Then 55588
            If newipxxx(i) > .142 Then 55588
            AROCC = ((ma(i) - ma(i - 1)) / ma(i - 1)) * 250
            If AROCC > .675 Then 55588
            If chang65 > .155 Then 55588
            If chang65 > .1 And opma(i) > .36 Then 55588
            pi = i: stsells16arrows (pi):  : s9(i) = 116: : ms(i) = 16:
55588      Next i
           For i = 70 To rn  ' Jan 1990
            If mo(i) > 1 And mo(i) < 12 Then 55590
            If mo(i) > 1 And mo(i) < 12 Then 55590
            chang65 = (la(i) - la(i - 65)) / la(i - 65)
            If chang65 > 0 Then 55590
            If mo(i) <> 1 Then 55590
            If da(i) > 3 Then 55590
            If la(i) / ma(i) < 1.025 Then 55590
            If la(i) / ma(i) > 1.029 Then 55590
            If pvv(i) > 55 Then 55590
            If newipxxx(i) > .073 Then 55590
            AROCC = ((ma(i) - ma(i - 1)) / ma(i - 1)) * 250
            If AROCC > .51 Then 55590
             maxh65 = -99999
               For j = i - 100 To i - 1
                   If la(j) > maxh65 Then maxh65 = la(j)
               Next j
                 If la(i) > maxh65 Then 55590
            pi = i: stsells16arrows (pi): : s9(i) = 116: : ms(i) = 16:
55590     Next i

Sell S16s: 1965-2013
Number of Trades   =  4 
Avg.Gain           =  .059      
Avg.Paper Loss     =  .015            
Avg.LAST/21DMA     =  1.027             
Avg.Ann.Roc.       =  .11325         
Avg.PI             =  32.1      
AVG.PI Change      =  33.8          
AVG.Adj.PI         =  56.9            
AVG.IP21           =  .02775            
AVG.V-I            =  -1.5               
AVG.OBV-Pct        =  .0995            
AVG.65-dPctCh.     =  .0108