Bear Market Buy B13s in DJI:
Buying on December 17th if the DJI is
one percent below the
21-dma works well most of the time even
in a bear market.
Looking at the 23 cases since 1915 where
a Buy B13 might
have neen applied we see there were 15
instances (65.2%
of the time) where the ensuing rally
lasted at least to February.
In one more case it lasted until January
29th. That suggests
the odds are 70% (69.6%) of a rally until
at least the end of
December. In 6 cases, the DJI
rallied to only January. Only
once did the ensuing rally last only
until the end of December.)
Amazingly, I think, the DJI did not keep
falling right through
the end of the year. There would
have been two paper losses
of slightly less than 5%.
Charts below are from work being done on
Analysis on DJIA: 1915-2014"
When the DJI is in a bear market, there seems to be a strong tendency for a rally
to occur from just before Christmas. Buying on the 17th - 23rd if the DJI was more
than 1% below its 21-dma would have been possible in 22 of the 24 bear market
years since 1915. Buying this way would have meant only one loss.
Green - rally only until January 6/24 (25% of the time)
Blue - rally until February, at least 16/24 (67%
of the time)
1917-1918 December 19th to February 19th: 65.90 t0
1920-1921 December 21st to February 16st 66.80
to 77.10
December 20th to February
6th 94.00 to 101.30
December 20th to February 5th 230.9 to 272.1
December 16th to February 24th 157.5 to 194.4
December 17th to March 8th
73.8 to 88.8 3.0% paper loss on 1/4
December 22nd to January
10th 56.6 to 64.4
December 20th to February 5th 95.3 to
December 17th to February 23rd 124..9. to 132.4 4.8%
paper loss on 12/28.
December 23rd to January 5th 106.3 to 114.2
December 17th to February
4th 426.7 to 458.7
December 19th to February
8th 798.99 to 850.97 4.8% paper loss
on 1/3
December 16th to January
5th 773.83 to 811.31 and then
down sharply.
December 17th to March
13th 811.12 to 891.66 0.9% paper loss on 2/11/1974
December 17th to March 17th 597.54 to 786.53
December 19th to December 30th 807.95 to 831.17. Bear
market quickly resumed.
December 18th to April 10th
787.51 to 878.72
December 17th to January
29th 870.53 to 871.1 DJI then resumed decline.
No Buy B13 because DJI was above 21-dma
in second half of December.)
December 17th to March
5th 2593.32 to 2972.52 There
was a paper loss. DJI fell to 2470.3 on 1991.
December 18th to February
1st 10645.42 to10983.63 There was a paper
loss. DJI fell to 10318.93 on 12/20
December 17th to March 12th 9891.96
to 10632.35 There was a paper loss. DJI fell to 9618.24
on 1/29
December 17th to January 14th 8535.39 to to 8842.62 1.7% paper loss on 12/27
(2007-2008 No Buy B13. DJI
was not far enough below 21-dma. LA/MA = .993)
2008-2009 December 23rd to January 2nd 8419.49 to 9034.69. DJI
then plunged to 6600 in early March,