TigerSoft - TigerSoft - www.tigersoft.com 12/28/2007 --- by William Schmidt, Ph.D. Insider Trading: News and Reviews: Articles Found on the Net See www.tigersoft.com Use TigerSoft Scans ...for spotting insider trading and seeing how to trade profitably in an age of rampant insider trading. TigerSoft Offers: Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1928-1966 Track Record of Major Peerless Signals Earlier Peerless-DJIA charts 7 Paths To Making 25+%/Yr. Using TigerSoft Index Options FOREX trading Investing Longer-Term Mutual Funds Speculative Stocks Swing Trading Day Trading Stock Options Commodity Trading ==================================================================================== Do You Trust Your CEO To Give You Honest Earnings' Reports? INSIDER TRADING AT QWEST. HOW TO SPOT IT REAL-TIME USING TIGERSOFT. QWEST was a telephone company. It was considered a "widows and orphans" stock. But Its bosses simply stole their public shareholders' money. That is what a jury in Denver decided last year. Wall Street does not want you to read about its crooks, its grand thefts, its fiascoes and the paltry fines and meager penalties those that are caught actually pay. Wall Street wants you to believe your stocks' earnings reports and trust that the SEC will prevent egregious insider trading. Such faith and trust are badly abused by Wall Street. To survive and prosper in the Wall Street jungle, you must be cynical. You must be distrustful. And we say, you must use software like ours to monitor for the unmistakable signs of insider trading. Qwest, Imclone, Enron, Arthur Anderson, Global Crossing, AOL-Time Warner, Tyco, Adelphia, Citigroup...These are just the best known cases of ruthless false corporate books, CEO lies and massive insider selling in just 2001-2002. TigerSoft shows false PR reports, CEO lies and insider trading are par for the course in every era. As long as the greediest CEOs and their henchmen on the Board of Directors can make the biggest (and tax deductible) campaign contributions to politicians and political parties, nothing much will change, no matter which Party wins. The Republicans are at least honest about their outright defending giant corporations. Most Democrats are not. They will say they are the party of the "people, not big business". But when you look up their corporate campaign contributions and ask them about them, they will say: "Well, it just costs so much these days to run a political campaign, we have to accept this money.") So, you must use software like TigerSoft to get at the truth, to see what Big Money is really doing, rather than what they are telling their shareholders. The System Is Breaking Down. CEO and Corporate Board Member salaries are the highest they have ever been. They tower over their workers' pay as never before. But even this does not satisfy their greed. As the Bubble of the 1990's grew, too many CEOs routinely boosted their stock's prices by inflating earnings before selling their own stock. When they could get their stock's earnings supposed growth up to 20% or more per year, their stocks became Wall Street darlings. These CEOs got about half their compensation in the form of stock options. This gave them a built-in incentive to mislead their shareholders, the "windows and orphans" and engage in their own form of "pump and dump. A Pennsylvania university study stated "Qwest was "emblematic" of this pattern.. CEO's, like Qwest's Joseph P. Nacchio imposed a reign of terror and "set required internal revenue targets on the numbers necessary for Qwest to meet the public growth predictions rather than on revenues that a particular business could reasonably expect to achieve...Nacchio then exerted extreme pressure on subordinate executives to achieve the targets....Qwest insured that company and business unit targets were met by paying bonuses to management and employees for periods when they achieved the targeted revenue and threatened consequences if targets were not met...Nachio had an explosive temper. One senior executive, in describing Nachhhio's interaction with subordinates, explained that 'people (were) just afraid of the man'" ( Quoted from Steven Huddart and Henock Louis: http://www0.gsb.columbia.edu/null?exclusive=filemgr.download&file_id=644938 ). A good book to read is William G, Flanagan - How CEOs Are Fleecing America. QWEST and The Illegal INSIDER SELLING of Its CEO. In 2005, the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday indicted the former head of Qwest Communications on 42 counts of insider trading, accusing him of illegally selling off $101 million in stock, and making a $42 million profit. Nacchio was convicted in April, 2007 of 19 counts of insider trading, after a jury concluded he sold $52 million worth of stock when he knew the telecom was at financial risk -- but didn't tell investors. But as of December 18, 2007 he remains free upon appeal to the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. ![]() Mr. Nacchio, while in possession of material, non-public information about the financial health of Qwest, accelerated the sales of Qwest stock and sold in excess of $100 million worth of Qwest common stock in violation of insider trading laws," said U.S.Attorney Bill Leone, during a noon news conference detailing the indictments. The indictment states that "Nacchio knew this policy, was repeatedly reminded of it and was advised that selling... was a crime." The indictment blames Nacchio for "a manipulative and deceptive" scheme to commit fraud and says he was "specifically and repeatedly warned" about the financial risks facing his company just five months before the stock trades in question. At least six other former Qwest executives have been indicted in the last three years. In 2003, Grant Graham, Thomas Hall, John Walker and Bryan Treadway were indicted in an alleged scheme to fake $33 million in revenue for Qwest. Graham and Hall pleaded guilty under plea bargains. Walker and Treadway were acquitted at trial. This year, there was more trouble. In February, former Qwest executive Marc Weisberg was indicted on wire fraud and money laundering charges. He was accused of trying to personally profit from investment opportunities at the expense of Qwest and its shareholders. And in July Qwest's former Chief Financial Officer Robin Szeliga pleaded guilty to one count of insider trading in federal court, admitting to improperly selling 10,000 Qwest shares in 2001. Qwest said it late July, 2003 that it will file restate financial reports for 2000 and 2001 because an internal analysis found accounting errors. "CEO Joseph P. Nacchio sold 2 million shares of Qwest stock in the first half of last year (2001), realizing $74.6 million. That was slightly more shares than he sold in all of 2000. And on May 2, 2001, Qwest founder Philip F. Anschutz sold roughly 10 million shares for $408 million, according to SEC filings. The sales have angered Qwest employees. In early March, workers filed two lawsuits, claiming they were encouraged to keep their retirement savings in company stock even as top execs sold hundreds of millions of dollars in shares..." The timing of the sales was critical because they occurred just before Qwest's stock collapsed. "The company's shares held up better than the rest of the telecom industry during the first half of last year, largely because Nacchio insisted that Qwest could outpace its rivals in revenue and earnings growth. But in the second half, the company stumbled. On Sept. 10, Nacchio conceded that Qwest would not meet its revenue and growth targets for the year and for 2002. The SEC's investigation involves accounting practices Qwest used that made its financial performance look good through the middle of last year. " ( http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/02_12/b3775096.htm ) Unbridled Greed Qwest will pay ousted chief executive officer Joe Nacchio $1.5 million in each of the next two years for unspecified "consulting work." The consulting pay is in addition to Nacchio's $10.5 million severance package and his retention of thousands of stock options. Sources said this week that it is unlikely Nacchio will do much consultation for Qwest, outside of occasionally testifying at the request of federal agencies investigating Qwest's accounting practices. Experts estimate Nacchio's total compensation in 2002 at $87 million, despite the drop in the stock price from 45 to 1!. Nacchio received a $1.5 million bonus last year, down from a $2.3 million bonus the year before. He also received $24.4 million in long-term incentives last year. (Source: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/money/1600802/detail.html ) ( http://www.thedenverchannel.com/money/1600802/detail.html ) 12/27/2007 - QWEST and Insider Selling by former CEO Joe Nacchio Previous Stories:
QWEST TigerSoft Charts July 2000-June 2001 TigerSoft Users Would Have Sold Out (and Sold Short) TigerSoft spots insider selling mainly by watching the Tiger Accumulation Index. Its dropping below -.25 when the stock is under-performing the DJI (representing the general market) is the primary way we do this. The TigerSoft S12 shows the under-performance has reached extreme levels. Insiders often have to just dump their shares, rather than distribute them carefully through steady and patient selling. We pick up on this when the volume surges on down days and when the cumulative On-Balance-Volume (OBV) Line makes new lows, often ahead of price. You can see below both types of insider selling as Qwest's stock dropped from 60 to 1.07 in 18 months. ============================= QWEST 2001 ========================================= ![]() ============================= QWEST 2001 ======================================== ![]() =================== QWEST - July 2001 to July 2002 ==================================== ![]() |