Buy B18 -
Powerful DJI Upward Momentum
Peerless version - 4/23/2014 (C) William Schmidt. Ph.D.
B18 occurs when the P-Indicator has been positive
41 straight days. No Buy B18s are allowed in Junes,
Septembers or Novembers.
lowest levels seen in the past for each of the key
will give a good idea of the minimums allowed:
change -77.2
P-I 30.6
High Adj. P-Is
bring bigger gains.
IP21s bring bigger gains/vice verse
377 (est)
ObvPct produce smaller gains.
Pct Change -.025
The average gain for the 48 Buy B18s since 1928 was 12.1%.
There was but one losses, as the Buy B18 is designed.
biggest average B18 gains came in the mid-term
election year (15.4% ) when a Republican was in the White House,
a Democrat and well as in August (27.9%) and October ( 14.1%).
The year after the Presidential Election saw the lowest average gain (7.2%).
Paper losses were all under 5% with two exceptions, 1954 (4.6%) and
2002 (5.4%.). The average paper loss was 1.1% for all years.
Size of B18 Gains
No. Pct.of Total
=>.10 20 .417
=>.05 - <.10 8 .167
=>.02 - <.05 16 .333
=>0 - <.02 3 .063
<0 1 .021
Total 48 1.0 (100%)
It should be noted that Buy B18s have become less powerful over
they years. See how the average trading gains they produced has
Buy B18s
Years No. Avg.Gain Avg.Paper Loss
1928-2013 48 .121 .011
1965-2013 29 .083 .011
1984-2013 21 .0895 .014
2000-2014 11 .053 .016
B18s: 1928-2013
Number of Trades = 48
Avg.Gain = .121
Avg.Paper Loss = .011
Avg.LAST/21DMA = 1.013
Avg.Ann.Roc. = .005
Avg.PI = 177.3
AVG.PI Change = 12.5
AVG.Adj.PI = 337.6
AVG.IP21 = .107
AVG.V-I = 54.7
AVG.OBV-Pct = .232
AVG.65-dPctCh. = .088
BUY B18s since 1928
BREAKDOWN of BUY B18 TRADES: 1929-2013
No. Date of Buy Signal DJI Pct Paper
Gain Loss
1 19420805 B18 105.6 .348 none
2 19421015 B18 113.3 .257 .002
3 19430219 B18 126.7 .124 none
4 19430420 B18 128.5 .07 none
5 19440103 B18 135.9 .207 .013
6 19441016 B18 148.1 .107 .017
7 19450214 B18 157.1 .044 .030
8 19450511 B18 163.2 .005 none
9 19451011 B18 185.7 .073 none
10 19451213 B18 193.5 .029 .023
11 19490829 B18 177.8 .241 none
12 19501013 B18 228.5 .134 .026
13 19510110 B18 240.4 .078 none
14 19540318 B18 300.1 .561 .012
15 19540802 B18 349.6 .34 .042
16 19580801 B18 505.4 .287 .005
17 19581003 B18 533.7 .218 none
18 19581203 B18 558.8 .164 .005
19 19610201 B18 649.3 .08 .019
20 19650315 B18 899.9 .043 .013
21 19670303 B18 846.6 .048 .006
22 19710128 B18 865.14 .084 none
23 19710329 B18 903.48 .038 none
24 19750305 B18 752.82 .149 .012
25 19780530 B18 834.2 .039 none
26 19821201 B18 1031.09 .025 none
27 19830308 B18 1119.78 .111 .006
28 19851220 B18 1543 .183 .026
29 19860303 B18 1696.67 .076 .006
30 19870310 B18 2280.09 .055 .014
31 19910326 B18 2914.85 .039 none
32 19930317 B18 3426.74 .021 .016
33 19950303 B18 3989.61 .391 .009
34 19950525 B18 4412.23 .258 .010
35 19950801 B18 4700.37 .181 .025
36 19961009 B18 5930.62 .156 none
37 19980317 B18 8749.99 .049 none
38 20020103 B18 10172.14 -.006 .054
39 20030514 B18 8647.82 .134 .018
40 20031217 B18 10145.26 .047 none
41 20041221 B18 10759.43 .014 .036
42 20060111 B18 11043.44 .048 .034
43 20060315 B18 11209.77 .033 none
44 20061005 B18 11866.69 .045 none
45 20061204 B18 12283.85 .009 none
46 20070518 B18 13556.53 .029 .021
47 20130201 B18 14009.79 .083 .016
48 20130502 B18 14831.58 .023 none
Total N0.= 48 .120 .011
Returns by Size of Gain
No. Pct.of Total
=>.10 20 .417
=>.05 - <.10 8 .167
=>.02 - <.05 16 .333
=>0 - <.02 3 .063
<0 1 .021
Total 48 1.0 (100%)
Returns by Year
No. Avg.Gain Pct.of Total
Pres. Election Years 4 .12 .08
Year after Pres.El.Yr. 11 .072 .23
Mid-Term Election Yr. 17 .154 .35
Year before Pres.El.Yr. 16 .114 .33
Total 48 .1165 1.0 (100%)
Returns by Month
No. Avg.Gain Pct.of Total
January 5 .082 .104
February 4 .082 .083
March 13 .124 .2711
April 1 .07 .021
May 6 .081 .135
June 0 0 0
July 0 0 0
August 5 .279 .104
September 0 0 0
October 7 .141 .146
November 0 0 0
December 7 .067 .146
Total 48 .1165 1.0 (100%)
Returns by Day of Month
No. Avg.Gain Pct.of Total
1-10 22 .148 .458
11-20 19 .104 .396
21-31 7 .101 .146
Total 48 .1165 1.0 (100%)
Key Values of BUY
B18s since 1928
No. Date Signal DJI Pct Gain Paper Loss
la/ma annroc PI PI-ch Adj.PI IP21
VI OBVPct 65d PctCh.
1 19420805 B18 105.6 .348 none
.9785 -.1 22.3 -10 113.2 .078
7 .014 .08
2 19421015 B18 113.3 .257 .002
1.027 .736 116.2 -21.3 589.3 .204
93 .542 .042
3 19430219 B18 126.7 .124 None
1.0082 .579 110.2 -4.9 557.6 .215
106 .385 .089
4 19430420 B18 128.5 .07 None
.9934 .329 174 -17.4 880.4 .081
256 .234 .095
5 19440103 B18 135.9 .207 .013
1.0072 .371 74.4 -17.8 397.2 .069
41 .181 -.025
6 19441016 B18 148.1 .107 .017
1.0083 .422 112.4 7.9 600.1 .124
68 .364 -.015
7 19450214 B18 157.1 .044 .030
1.0187 .178 98.1 31.6 443.4 .116
87 .246 .063
8 19450511 B18 163.2 .005 None
.9947 .341 42.6 -1.6 192.4 .106
9 .22 .05
9 19451011 B18 185.7 .073 None
1.0249 .441 138.3 -10 625.1 .237
148 0 .115
10 19451213 B18 193.5 .029 .023
1.0082 .18 64.9 -2.7 293.4 .127
45 .177 .096
11 19490829 B18 177.8 .241 None
.9919 .126 57.3 -13.4 224.2 .126
53 .074 .034
12 19501013 B18 228.5 .134 .026
1.0055 .267 72.7 -22.8 263.1 .061
25 .237 .148
13 19510110 B18 240.4 .078 None
1.0272 .699 131.3 -44 399.3 .075
198 .251 .04
14 19540318 B18 300.1 .561 .012
1.0132 .423 84.5 42.1 283.8 .207
39 .242 .072
15 19540802 B18 349.6 .34 .042
1.0219 .541 173.3 8.5 582.4 .207
229 .355 .099
16 19580801 B18 505.4 .287 .005
1.0315 .614 111.1 13.7 351.1 .209
141 .421 .109
17 19581003 B18 533.7 .218 None
1.0174 .462 79.6 21.2 251.6 .064
15 .258 .111
18 19581203 B18 558.8 .164 .005
1.0025 .334 82.9 -.4 261.8 .085
5 .347 .099
19 19610201 B18 649.3 .08 .019
1.0241 .736 197.4 13 574.5 .13
377 .336 .118
20 19650315 B18 899.9 .043 .013
1.0065 .24 100.8 31.1 277.2 -.012
49 .146 .042
21 19670303 B18 846.6 .048 .006
.9955 -.025 30.2 5.7 75.9 -.012
6 -.068 .065
22 19710128 B18 865.14 .084 None
1.0211 .326 243.9 -23.4 517 .096
1 .477 .144
23 19710329 B18 903.48 .038 None
1.0027 .326 73.6 19.4 156 .102
1 .271 .098
24 19750305 B18 752.82 .149 .012
1.0316 .677 89.4 -50 169.8 .093
1 .18 .217
25 19780530 B18 834.2 .039 None
.9949 -.044 14.8 -14.1 30.6 -.008
2 .01 .103
26 19821201 B18 1031.09 .025 None
1.0021 .294 122 -9.7 235.4 -.009
1 -.048 .154
27 19830308 B18 1119.78 .111 .006
1.0135 .452 189 -58.2 372.2 .017
7 .18 .086
28 19851220 B18 1543 .183 .026
1.0309 .828 179.3 27.2 355.1 .065
13 .193 .189
29 19860303 B18 1696.67 .076 .006
1.0277 1.046 295.9 -9.4 565.1 .27
19 .315 .165
30 19870310 B18 2280.09 .055 .014
1.0249 .5 35.4 17.3 69.8 .102
4 .266 .175
31 19910326 B18 2914.85 .039 None
1.0001 .11 67.6 10.2 124.4 -.034
2 -.023 .109
32 19930317 B18 3426.74 .021 .016
1.0096 .412 178.2 42.9 304.7 .143
4 .344 .037
33 19950303 B18 3989.61 .391 .009
1.0065 .427 149 -25.5 205.6 .104
6 .346 .067
34 19950525 B18 4412.23 .258 .010
1.0067 .306 133.7 -10 184.5 .127
10 .31 .111
35 19950801 B18 4700.37 .181 .025
1.0032 .367 126.1 -54.5 174 .157
10 .088 .088
36 19961009 B18 5930.62 .156 None
1.0069 .412 167.5 -29.2 214.4 .077
26 .144 .062
37 19980317 B18 8749.99 .049 None
1.0253 .531 204 4.9 312.2 .153
24 .248 .097
38 20020103 B18 10172.14 -.006 .054
1.0168 .487 288.4 79 288.4 .059
10 .299 .151
39 20030514 B18 8647.82 .134 .018
1.018 .417 577.1 -77.2 558.1 .137
141 -.029 .092
40 20031217 B18 10145.26 .047 None
1.0282 .525 388 90.1 375.2 .048
9 .302 .06
41 20041221 B18 10759.43 .014 .036
1.0175 .341 355.4 136.7 332.6 .134
49 .319 .054
42 20060111 B18 11043.44 .048 .034
1.0163 .291 358.7 -14 330.3 .034
57 .122 .073
43 20060315 B18 11209.77 .033 None
1.0134 .342 291.1 90 268.1 .093
21 .064 .042
44 20061005 B18 11866.69 .045 None
1.0236 .474 326.3 149.3 300.5 .115
24 .302 .064
45 20061204 B18 12283.85 .009 None
1.0064 .259 531.9 101 489.8 .113
90 .352 .079
46 20070518 B18 13556.53 .029 .021
1.0246 .675 157.5 82 141.9 .143
44 .538 .064
47 20130201 B18 14009.79 .083 .016
1.0268 .522 454.1 -43 454.1 .198
37 .334 .069
48 20130502 B18 14831.58 .023 None
1.0092 .228 435.7 158.9 435.7 .127
17 .28 .063
B18s: 1928-2013
Number of Trades = 48
Avg.Gain = .121
Avg.Paper Loss = .011
Avg.LAST/21DMA = 1.013
Avg.Ann.Roc. = .005
Avg.PI = 177.3
AVG.PI Change = 12.5
AVG.Adj.PI = 337.6
AVG.IP21 = .107
AVG.V-I = 54.7
AVG.OBV-Pct = .232
AVG.65-dPctCh. = .088
B18s: 1985-2013
Number of Trades = 29
Avg.Gain = .083
Avg.Paper Loss = .011
Avg.LAST/21DMA = 1.014
Avg.Ann.Roc. = .008
Avg.PI = 226.4
AVG.PI Change = 21.6
AVG.Adj.PI = 286.8
AVG.IP21 = .091
AVG.V-I = 23.6
AVG.OBV-Pct = .216
AVG.65-dPctCh. = .097
B18s: 1983-2013
Number of Trades = 21
Avg.Gain = .0895
Avg.Paper Loss = .014
Avg.LAST/21DMA = .101
Avg.Ann.Roc. = .011
Avg.PI = 271.5
AVG.PI Change = 34.6
AVG.Adj.PI = 308.8
AVG.IP21 = .113
AVG.V-I = 29.4
AVG.OBV-Pct = .244
AVG.65-dPctCh. = .091
Number of Trades = 11
Avg.Gain = .043
Avg.Paper Loss = .016
Avg.LAST/21DMA = 1.018
Avg.Ann.Roc. = .021
Avg.PI = 378.6
AVG.PI Change = 68.4
AVG.Adj.PI = 361.3
AVG.IP21 = .109
AVG.V-I = 45.4
AVG.OBV-Pct = .262
AVG.65-dPctCh. = .073
2012 Version of Peerless Buy B18
(C) 2013 William Schmidt,
Ph.D. All rights reserved. 2/5/2013
The B18 occurs when the P-Indicator has
been positive for 41 straight days.
The OBV-Pct must be at least .152.
The V-Indicator should be above zero.
There are times in th four year cycle
when buying on strength is too risky
and so these signals are not allowed in
Junes, Julys and Septembers. Momentum
strength cannot be trusted in Deceember
after the 23rd. During a Presidential
Election Year, no B18s are allowed except
in January, November and December.
Though allowed, be careful about using
the B18 when Peerless is already on a
Buy and the DJI is more than 2.4% over
the 21-dma.
New research shows that Peerless Buys are apt
to be unproductive in the first
year after a Presidential Election if a
Republican is in the White House
and quite profitable if a Democrat is in the
White House. There
were 5 profitable B18s in the post-Presidential
Election Year. A Democrat
was in the White House in all cases.
Year after Presidential Election Year
Party in
Date B18 Gain B18 Paper
White House
2/5/45 +5.5% <2%
only 1.008
4/25/45 +.0.1%
1.032 (high)
12/11/45 +6.8% 3.6%
2/1/61 +10.2% <2%
8/26/93 +8.8% 3.0%
A Democrat is the White House produced much smaller gains
on Peerless Buys in the second year after a Presidential Election
than Republicans. This was clearly the case for B18s.
Two Years after Presidential Election Year
3/18/54 +58.3% 1.5%
1.013 Reversing B18.
8/2/54 +34.9%
8/1/58 +28.7%
1.032 (high)
12/3/58 +16.4% 0
10/26/82 +5.1% 1.4%
1.031 (high)
+7.6% 0%
3/17/98 +3.8% 0
1/3/02 -0.6%
1/27/06 +6.1% 1.5%
4/4/06 +3.3% 1.2%
10/5/06 +4.5% 0
4/21/10 -6.4%
Buy B18s have become weaker since 2000.
Chasing momentum has become
less effective. As such, the
signals are mainly used now to show that breadth
has been persistently positive and, in
case Peerless was somehow still
on a Sell, that we would switch to a Buy.

There have been 43 Buy B18s since 1928. As a group, B18s averaged
+10.5% gain per trade. 17 of the gains were more than 10%, 12 were between
5% and 10%. In 11 cases, the gains were less than 5%. There were 3
all occurring since 2000. The biggest loss was 6.4%. This occurred in April
and could easily have been avoided by heeding the dangers inherent in a completed
head/shpulders pattern.
The average B18 gain was only +2.3% in the 12 cases since 2000. There has
not been a 10% gain among B18s since 1996. In additon, the two biggest paper
losses occurred in 2010 (11.8%) and 2011 (5.7%)
8 of the 43 Buy B18s brought a paper loss of 3% or more. The best way to
avoid a bigger paper loss with these signals is to not chase and to wait for
a dip when they occurred more than 1.7% over the 21-day ma, unless they serve to
reverse a Peerless Sell signal, which is rare. 25 of 43 B19s occurred with
DJI more than 1.7% over the 21-day ma, 8 of these brought paper losses
of more than 2%.
Nearly all the B18s were are not reversing Buys. Rather, they usually reinforce
an already operative Peerless Buy. They usually are a sign of a healthy bull
It is significant that there were no cases in the bear market years from 1929 to 1941.
There were 2 cases where they reversed an existing Peerless Sell. They
were important to employ, because the market in each case went significantly
300.1 +58.3%
Loss = 1.5%
P-ch IP21
1.013 .423
84 42
.207 39 .253
Fell back to 295.40 and the
21-dma and rallied powerfully to 475.
===> This was a reversing Buy.
33) 11/3/2003
9858.46 +8.9% Paper loss =
- 2.3%
1.015 .351 317
11 .103 2
Fell back to 9629 and then rallied.
===> This was a reversing Buy signal.
Buy B18s in a Presidential Election year were rare and less bullish.
10/16/1944 +10.7%
10/18/1996 +12.1%
1/2/2004 +3.1%
12/1/2004 +2.5%
Avg = 7.7%
B18s in the year after a second year of a Presidential cycle (1942, 1946...)
an average gain of +13.7% in the 14 cases. There was only one loss. These are
the strongest Buy B18s, provided the V-Indicator is above +7.
Bull markets often have seen these Buy signals at an early stage.
very good breadth is very bullish. Examples at the start of the
best bull markets: 1942-1944, 1949, 1954, 1958, 1985, 1995-1996
and 2003. Very often there is more than one B18 signal in an
upswing. The first brings the highest gains.
If we include the cases where the V-Indicator was 0-7, there
in 36 of the 61 cases there was an immediate rally after the Buy B18.
In 25 cases there would have been a paper loss after the Buy B18.
There were only 3 instances of paper losses of more than 5%. Continued
good breadth is the best safeguard against a "bad Buy B18" if the
DJI is already up more than 10% from its 4 month lows. Given the
average gain of 10% and the 36/61 probability of there being very little
or no paper loss, in most cases, these should be treated as automatic
Buys. But be careful if the V-Indicator is below 10 and/or if a bearish
head and shoulders or hands above the head price pattern develops.
Also, as a working hypothesis, the key Peerless indicators (P-Indicator, IP21and OP)
should be higher than say 12, .10 and .06, respectively.
Buy B18s in a Presidential Election year were sometimes problematic
if they were allowed. if allowed, they would have meant chasing a rally and
buying at the upper band on
10/16/1944 148.10
3/4/1988 2057.86 -1.1%
and were not needed when the market was exceptionally strong in
a Presidential Election Year, as Peerless was already on a Buy.
2/4/1972 +4.0% if allowed
3/3/1976 +3.1% if allowed
8/1/1980 +3.3% if allowed
2/15/96 0 gain if allowed.
1/2/2004 +3.1% if allowed
It is probably best for the overall system if users discard B18s from February through
September in a Presidential Election Year.
V-Indicator Needs to be above +7.
Readings by the V-Indicator of +7 are lower tend to bring smaller gains.
In these 17 cases, the average gain was only 3.6%. There was one other
case were a B18 reached +7: this did gain 36.8% on 3/3/95, but this was clearly
not a good point to sell, given the classic flat topped breakout into all-time
high territory. The Peerless program has been adjusted to disallow Buy B18s
when the V-Indicator is 7 or lower. You can see further below the cases of B18s that
are eliminated because the V-Indicator was not positive enough. They are
and marked with an "X"
3 Bad Buy B18s.
The March 2013 version of Peerless eliminated each of these
by changing the P-I and OPct requirements.
9/ 20/ 1951
274.1 Gain= 0
la/ma=1.01 ma.roc= .387 98 P= 11 (LOW) IP21=.141 V= .65 OP=.053 (LOW)
Note development of bearish hands above the head price pattern in chart for this period
just below.
Paper loss of 7%. DJI
fell to 256 in November and then rallied back.

2) 3 / 7 / 1997
7000.89 -.024
la/ma=1.009 ma.roc= .437 P= 11
(LOW) 137 IP21= .114 V=11 OP= .137 (LOW)
Fell to 6386 (8%) before strongly rallying
3) 8 / 1 / 1997
8194.04 -.002
la/ma=1.021 ma.roc= .593 P=234 IP21= .089 (low)
V=16 OP= .301
The DJI was already up more than 20% from 4 month low.
Fell to 7600 (6% paper loss) before rallying back to the upper band.

The Requirements:
Peerless P-Indicator has been positive 42 straight
days and the V-Indicator is above
+7 with the DJI not more than
3.9% over the 21-day ma. The signal is not allowed in June or July
and is not allowed in Januaries the year before a Presidential Election.